I am trying to troubleshoot some issues and started a clean build.

Should I be concerned about warnings of unmappable characters and deprecated 
features in bilding the portlet, core, and bridge modules?

Please advise.
Thanks for any guidance.

module portlet:

[execmodules]     * value of this attribute is English(???en???).
[execmodules]                                           ^
 warning: unmappable character for encoding
[execmodules]     * value of this attribute is English(???en???).
[execmodules]                                            ^
 warning: unmappable character for encoding
[execmodules]     * value of this attribute is English(???en???).
[execmodules]                                               ^
 warning: unmappable character for encoding
[execmodules]     * value of this attribute is English(???en???).
[execmodules]                                                ^
 warning: unmappable character for encoding
[execmodules]     * value of this attribute is English(???en???).
[execmodules]                                                 ^
 warning: [deprecation] getClientRequest() in org.jboss.p
ortal.server.app.ComponentRequestContext has been deprecated
[execmodules]       return creq.getContext().getClientRequest().getLocales();
[execmodules]                             ^
 warning: [deprecation] getClientR
equest() in org.jboss.portal.server.app.ComponentRequestContext has been 
[execmodules]          HttpServletRequest req = 
[execmodules]                                                        ^
 warning: [deprecation] isRequestedSessionIdFro
mUrl() in javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest has been deprecated
[execmodules]    public boolean isRequestedSessionIdFromUrl()
[execmodules]                   ^
 warning: [deprecation] getRealPath(java.lang.S
tring) in javax.servlet.ServletRequest has been deprecated
[execmodules]    public String getRealPath(String s)
[execmodules]                  ^
 warning: [deprecation] setStatus(int,java.lan
g.String) in javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse has been deprecated
[execmodules]    public void setStatus(int i, String s)
[execmodules]                ^
 warning: [deprecation] encodeRedirectUrl(java.
lang.String) in javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse has been deprecated
[execmodules]    public String encodeRedirectUrl(String s)
[execmodules]                  ^
 warning: [deprecation] encodeUrl(java.lang.St
ring) in javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse has been deprecated
[execmodules]    public String encodeUrl(String s)
[execmodules]                  ^
 warning: [deprecation] getRealPath(java.lang.St
ring) in javax.servlet.ServletRequest has been deprecate

And during the bridge compilation....
 warning: [deprecation] isRequestedSessionIdFromUrl() in javax.servle
t.http.HttpServletRequest has been deprecated
[execmodules]    public boolean isRequestedSessionIdFromUrl()
[execmodules]                   ^
 warning: [deprecation] getRealPath(java.lang.String) in javax.servlet
.ServletRequest has been deprecated
[execmodules]    public String getRealPath(String s)
[execmodules]                  ^
 warning: [deprecation] setStatus(int,java.lang.String) in javax.ser
vlet.http.HttpServletResponse has been deprecated
[execmodules]    public void setStatus(int i, String s)
[execmodules]                ^
 warning: [deprecation] encodeRedirectUrl(java.lang.String) in javax.
servlet.http.HttpServletResponse has been deprecated
[execmodules]    public String encodeRedirectUrl(String s)
[execmodules]                  ^
 warning: [deprecation] encodeUrl(java.lang.String) in javax.servlet
.http.HttpServletResponse has been deprecated
[execmodules]    public String encodeUrl(String s)
[execmodules]                  ^
[execmodules] 5 warnings


    [mkdir] Created dir: /usr/local/jboss-portal-2.2.0-src/core/output/classes
    [mkdir] Created dir: 
    [javac] Compiling 305 source files to 
 warning: [deprecation] getPreferencesGroup(org.jboss.po
rtal.core.model.User) in org.jboss.portal.core.modules.UserModule has been 
[execmodules]          PreferencesGroup group = 
[execmodules]                                         ^
 warning: [deprecation] getClientRequest() in org.j
boss.portal.server.app.ComponentRequestContext has been deprecated
[execmodules]    public HttpServletRequest getClientRequest()
[execmodules]                              ^
 warning: [deprecation] getPreferencesGroup(org.jboss.portal.c
ore.model.User) in org.jboss.portal.core.modules.UserModule has been deprecated
[execmodules]    public PreferencesGroup getPreferencesGroup(User user)
[execmodules]                            ^
 warning: [deprecation] getInvocation() in org.jboss.portlet.JBo
ssRenderResponse has been deprecated
[execmodules]       ComponentInvocation invocation = ((JBossRenderResponse) 
[execmodules]                                        ^
 warning: [deprecation] getInvocation() in org.jboss.
portlet.JBossRenderResponse has been deprecated
[execmodules]       ComponentInvocation invocation = ((JBossRenderResponse) 
[execmodules]                                        ^
 warning: [deprecation] getRealPath(java.lang.String)
 in javax.servlet.ServletRequest has been deprecated
[execmodules] public class HttpServletRequestWrapperImpl
[execmodules]        ^
 warning: [deprecation] isRequestedSessionIdFromUrl()
 in javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest has been deprecated
[execmodules] public class HttpServletRequestWrapperImpl
[execmodules]        ^
 warning: [deprecation] getRealPath(java.lang.String)
 in javax.servlet.ServletRequest has been deprecated
[execmodules] public class HttpServletRequestWrapperImpl
[execmodules]        ^
 warning: [deprecation] getPreferencesGroup(org.jboss.portal.core.mod
el.User) in org.jboss.portal.core.modules.UserModule has been deprecated
[execmodules]          protected Session getCurrentSession()
[execmodules]                            ^
 warning: [deprecation] getPreferencesGroup(org.jboss.port
al.core.model.User) in org.jboss.portal.core.modules.UserModule has been 

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