Luke Taylor wrote:
> Alternatively (possibly more likely), you don't have your security
> constraints setup properly and they just aren't being applied - whether
> you use basic or form authentication shouldn't matter. Are the files
> you are accessing definately in
> <your app name>/workspace/*
> Have you checked there are no typos in the url ??
<following receipt of war file ...>

Yes that's the problem. The url-name tag in the security constraint is
"/workspace/*" but your files are in the root directory. 

Note that all the urls are relative to your web application, not the
web server root - i.e. if your app is called "workspace" you shouldn't
include this in the urls. Create a subdirectory in the war file (e.g.
"protected"), move the restricted files in there, change the url-name
to "/protected/*" and it should work. The application name can be set
at deployment so shouldn't be referenced anywhere in your code or

All the best,


 Luke Taylor.
 PGP Key ID: 0x57E9523C

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