
do i miss any jar file in my client web application ???

i have added all the jar files that are in Jboss\client 

to my web applications WEB-INF\lib folder....

is any more i need ???

these are the jar files which are in my WEB-INF\lib folder

  | antlr.jar
  | avalon-framework.jar
  | axis-ws4ee.jar
  | commons-beanutils.jar
  | commons-digester.jar
  | commons-discovery.jar
  | commons-fileupload.jar
  | commons-httpclient.jar
  | commons-validator.jar
  | concurrent.jar
  | EJBModule.jar
  | getopt.jar
  | jacorb.jar
  | jakarta-oro.jar
  | jboss-aop-jdk50-client.jar
  | jboss-client.jar
  | jboss-common-client.jar
  | jboss-deployment.jar
  | jboss-iiop-client.jar
  | jboss-j2ee.jar
  | jboss-jaxrpc.jar
  | jboss-jsr77-client.jar
  | jboss-remoting.jar
  | jboss-saaj.jar
  | jboss-serialization.jar
  | jboss-srp-client.jar
  | jboss-system-client.jar
  | jboss-transaction-client.jar
  | jboss-ws4ee-client.jar
  | jboss-xml-binding.jar
  | jbossall-client.jar
  | jbosscx-client.jar
  | jbossha-client.jar
  | jbossjmx-ant.jar
  | jbossmq-client.jar
  | jbosssx-client.jar
  | jmx-client.jar
  | jmx-invoker-adaptor-client.jar
  | jnp-client.jar
  | juddisaaj.jar
  | log4j-1.2.13.jar
  | logkit.jar
  | mail.jar
  | namespace.jar
  | ojdbc14.jar
  | orai18n.jar
  | scout.jar
  | struts.jar
  | wsdl4j.jar

is any more needed ???

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