0. Please don't cross post especially not user questions on dev.

1. I personally don't recommend running from an IDE. If you want to,
consult the documentation for how to run from JBuilder and VAJ, and maybe
NetBeans??? I'd try the following first anyway to make sure you know what
is going on.

2. Use the provided ant-based build system.  Running ./build.sh in
jboss/src/build compiles any changed classes, rebuilds jars as necessary,
and copies them to the appropriate place in dist (usually dist/lib/ext). 
Run your newly compiled jboss from dist/bin/run.sh.

3. If you are modifying files in one of the other sub-projects, such as
jbosspool for instance, each subproject has its own build system similar to
the main one.  Watch for the generated jars and copy them to the
appropriate locations, again usually dist/lib/ext.

4. There are some obvious conceptual problems with this, in terms of
asymetry of subprojects, even though it is very easy to use for small
changes.  These problems are being addressed under the BuildMagic tag in

Jboss is a big project with a nontrivial build system. Use it.

Hope this helps
david jencks

On 2001.08.09 22:19:12 -0400 Alice Ad wrote:
> I just started playing with Jboss, please help. 
> My binary runs fine. I downloaded the source code and compiled it. Now
> all the class files are in jboss/bin. I try to start my server from a
> java IDE using these parametres 
> java 
> -Djavax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory=org.apache. 
> crimson.jaxp.DocumentBuilderFactoryImpl 
> -Djavax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory=org.apache.crimson 
> .jaxp.SAXParserFactoryImpl 
> -classpath .;..\lib\crimson.jar org/jboss/Main 
> It gives some classdef not found errors. When I run the above by
> replacing "." with run.jar, it runs fine however it uses the jar files
> instead of using my compiled source code. So even if I change a file and
> compile it, I dont see its effects because class files are being read
> from jar files in the lib directory (I guess). 
> How can I make it work so that it uses my compiled code instead of
> reading jar files first.
> Thanks very much for the help!
> ---------------------------------
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> <P><BR>I just started playing with Jboss, please help. <BR><BR>My binary
> runs fine. I downloaded the source code and compiled it. Now all the
> class files are in jboss/bin. I try to start my server from a java IDE
> using these parametres <BR><BR>java
> <BR>crimson.jaxp.DocumentBuilderFactoryImpl
> <BR>-Djavax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory=org.apache.crimson
> <BR>.jaxp.SAXParserFactoryImpl <BR><STRONG>-classpath
> .;..\lib\crimson.jar org/jboss/Main </STRONG></P>
> <P>It gives some classdef not found errors. When I run the above by
> replacing "." with run.jar, it runs fine however it uses the jar files
> instead of using my compiled source code. So even if I change a file and
> compile it, I dont see its effects because class files are being read
> from jar files in the lib directory (I guess). </P>
> <P>How can I make it work so that it uses my compiled code instead of
> reading jar files first.</P>
> <P>Thanks very much for the help!</P>
> <P><BR><BR>&nbsp;</P><p><br><hr size=1><b>Do You Yahoo!?</b><br>
> Make international calls for as low as $.04/minute with Yahoo!
> Messenger<BR><a 

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