The 4.0.4.CR2 release of JBossAS is now available from sourceforge:

Full release notes with compatibility notes an highlights are included in the 
release readme. The summary for JBossAS-4.0.4.CR2 is:

Release Notes - JBoss Application Server - Version JBossAS-4.0.4.CR2
Feature Request

[JBAS-1107] - Add id attribute to module element in jboss-app.dtd
[JBAS-1156] - Implement jboss.server.log.dir
[JBAS-1293] - AOP HTTP session replication under Tomcat 5
[JBAS-1303] - Field replication for session data
[JBAS-2151] - Look into implementing flushOnSessionInvalidation using a session 
[JBAS-2155] - Upgrade Xalan bundle to 2.7.0
[JBAS-2304] - Support Connection.prepareStatement(sql, resultSetType, 
resultSetConcurrency) in prepared statement cache
[JBAS-2369] - Add mssql-jdbc2-service.xml example using CLUSTERED INDEX on 
[JBAS-2400] - Add script to JBoss/bin
[JBAS-2410] - Update tomcat5 to support multiple services
[JBAS-2471] - Incorrect categorization of EJB method permissions when calling 
JACC PolicyConfiguration implementations
[JBAS-2503] - JBossMQ JDBC2 Blob workaround for Oracle 4k limit
[JBAS-2515] - Keep track of non JTA resource usage and rollback local 
transactions where the user forgets
[JBAS-2574] - System Startup Script for JBoss AS on HP-UX
[JBAS-2760] - Use property in tc5-cluster-service.xml
[JBAS-2771] - ServiceBindingManager should allow more control over Tomcat5 ports
[JBAS-2778] - Add support for SSLSession tracking to the 
[JBAS-2791] - Use jbossretro to make JBossWS 1.4 compatible
[JBAS-2926] - Restore the authentication only semantics of the "*" role-name
[JBAS-2936] - Upgrade JBossSerialization to 1.0.0.CR4
[JBAS-2937] - Disable RMI DGC by default (set to 1 FGC per hour)
[JBAS-2941] - Expose subscribers for a Queue
[JBAS-3014] - Upgrade to javassist 3.2.0.CR1
[JBAS-3015] - Support post-failover update of jvmRoute portion of session id 
when cookies are not used
[JBAS-3042] - Test Case Failure:  


[JBAS-46] - EJB Deployment uses wrong ejb-local-ref for ejb-link
[JBAS-545] - CachedConnectionInterceptor hides CMPPersistenceManager
[JBAS-656] - HA-JNDI not replicating bindings
[JBAS-787] - Distributed Cache Invalidation Issue
[JBAS-790] - URLDirectoryScanner and URLDeploymentScanner
[JBAS-963] - post-table-create failure
[JBAS-993] - DeploymentException and invalid EJB-QL statements
[JBAS-1140] - Exception creating MySQL table using backquoted table name
[JBAS-1190] - Problem deleting relations
[JBAS-1214] - Incorrect data source used loading relationship field
[JBAS-1238] - Farm deployment fails to propagate to other servers
[JBAS-1330] - Client can't connect to cluster after network failure / forgets 
about target servers
[JBAS-1361] - Incorrect relations management
[JBAS-1444] - Incorrect warning about undefined query method with CMP1.x
[JBAS-1463] - RemoteException on Remote interface not verified correctly.
[JBAS-1504] - type mapping for boolean in finder wrong
[JBAS-1530] - NPE in JDBCStoreManager
[JBAS-1591] - Throwing InvalidKeyException in business mehtods cause 
[JBAS-1671] - alias-max-length DB2 typemapping
[JBAS-1678] - No LOB Support for remote clients
[JBAS-1806] - org.jnp.server.Main does not call custom 
RMIClientSocketFactory.setBindAddress() if method is provided
[JBAS-1926] - two timers executing at the same time in some conditions
[JBAS-1937] - Inconsistent change in ModelMBeanInfo serialized data usage 
between 3.2.x and 4.0.x
[JBAS-1958] - bin scripts not executable by default
[JBAS-1989] - eager-load-group for CMR doesn't work
[JBAS-2024] - binding service fails
[JBAS-2072] - Servlets in WEB-INF/lib/xxx.jar cannot be loaded from web.xml
[JBAS-2082] - IllegalArgumentException Unable to find operation getState()
[JBAS-2116] - JaasSecurityDomainUnitTestCase Fails in  Multi-User Environment
[JBAS-2117] - org.jboss.util.xml.DOMWriter.printInternal() skips the 
[JBAS-2127] - Batch-cascade-delete fails with NSEE
[JBAS-2170] - In REPL_SYNC, whole cluster slows down when an incident occurs.
[JBAS-2311] - getUserRoles via JaasSecurityManagerService didn't work (was OK 
in 4.0.1)
[JBAS-2328] - ConcurrentModificationException when closing JMS session
[JBAS-2334] - Dependency between packages is not correct
[JBAS-2337] - ejb3 profile needs jboss-jaxrpc.jar
[JBAS-2350] - ServiceBindingManager does not seem to work with the installer 
[JBAS-2363] - ExceptionAnalysis generate incorrect IDL name due to keyword 
[JBAS-2392] - NPE in
[JBAS-2419] - ClassNotFoundException not logged in EjbModule.addInterceptors
[JBAS-2420] - 1.21 Change in breaks existing 
[JBAS-2429] - Clustered SSO improperly invalidated upon web application shutdown
[JBAS-2430] - the checkbox "enable deployment isolation/call by value" has no 
[JBAS-2473] - Remote side ClassCastExceptions as a result of 
WrapperDataSourceService using "getInterfaces()" to create Proxies.
[JBAS-2486] - setupDLQConnection() uses incorrect class type for Util.lookup()
[JBAS-2487] - Incorrect acknowledge mode returned by JmsActivationSpec
[JBAS-2504] - if mbean info description is null -- equals() methods throws null 
pointer exception
[JBAS-2538] - The war WebCtxLoader is not limiting WEB-INF/lib classpath 
contents to jars
[JBAS-2573] - java.lang.IllegalArgumentException on attempt to stop-start 
[JBAS-2588] - LdapExtLoginModule 'hides' causal login exceptions which are then 
incorrectly reported as invalid Password/User
[JBAS-2610] - Duplicate entries in SqlProperties used by JMS jdbc2 persistence 
[JBAS-2615] - error using schedule-manager-service.xml at the boot  in mode 
[JBAS-2629] - Double index creation for alterTable
[JBAS-2631] - AttributePersistenceService should be started early
[JBAS-2636] - Session is not removed as a POJO attribute Observer on remote 
cluster node
[JBAS-2641] - BytesMessage.writeUTF has 64k limit
[JBAS-2643] - Map, possibly Set, silent persistence failure in 4.0.2
[JBAS-2668] - Over-capacity of SFSB will lead to passivation/activation 
[JBAS-2677] - Differences in target list order between servers breaks RoundRobin
[JBAS-2702] - module-option should not be required
[JBAS-2706] - AOP unit test case failure in 4.0 branch
[JBAS-2707] - HibernateIntgUnitTestCase Failure
[JBAS-2710] - EntityLockMonitor in conf/jboss-service.xml should have a  on the 
[JBAS-2711] - Webservices integration test error:  JBWS436 - no such operation 
[JBAS-2712] - CMP testsuite failure:   caller principal incorrect
[JBAS-2713] - org.jboss.test.kernel.deployment.jboss.test failures
[JBAS-2715] - JBossCache Serial Version UID errors
[JBAS-2716] - BindingServiceUnitTestCase failure
[JBAS-2717] - Security testsuite failures
[JBAS-2722] - returns 
non-serializable Principal
[JBAS-2724] - Clustering FieldBasedTestCase failure
[JBAS-2725] - Transaction object not being propagated by PooledInvokerProxy
[JBAS-2744] - TestCase failure:  org.jboss.test.naming.test.SimpleUnitTestCase, 
connection refused
[JBAS-2745] - Test failure:  org.jboss.test.entity.test.EJBLoadUnitTestCase
[JBAS-2747] - test failure: 
[JBAS-2749] - Installer's all configuration not J2EE 1.4 compatible
[JBAS-2751] - NPE caused by BaseCertLoginModule and unauthenticatedIdentity
[JBAS-2756] - Webservices test failure:  JBWS 84
[JBAS-2757] - Webservices test failure: 
[JBAS-2776] - EJB3Deployer missing DynamicInterceptor
[JBAS-2783] - Test failure:Class org.jboss.test.pooled.test.BeanStressTestCase: 
  Stateless session not bound
[JBAS-2785] - Correct the DomainServerSocketFactory CiperSuites property name
[JBAS-2792] - NPE in JBossCacheManager processExpires()
[JBAS-2797] - org.jboss.varia.schedule.ScheduleManager iteration over of 
Hashtable values produces ClassCastExceptions
[JBAS-2799] - Installer has regressed to require jdk5
[JBAS-2805] - TransactionImpl.prepareResources() votes readonly in error on 
lastResource commit failure.
[JBAS-2807] - TxConnectionManager needs to set XA errorCode of 
[JBAS-2812] - Duplicate ServiceProxy objects
[JBAS-2813] - UIL2 does not close client sockets when the service is shutdown
[JBAS-2815] - EJBContext.getTimerService should fail if the requesting bean 
does not implement javax.ejb.TimedObject
[JBAS-2817] - web-console java applet does not work
[JBAS-2820] - ClientLoginModule improperly clears SecurityAssociation stack in 
[JBAS-2822] - JBossMQ's TransactionRequest eats the underlying cause during 
[JBAS-2824] - http fine-grained replication, the key for setAttribute can't 
contain "/"
[JBAS-2834] - shutdown all configuration on HPUX
[JBAS-2844] - JMS PersistenceManager: Could not resolve uncommited transactions 
using MS SQL Server
[JBAS-2858] - ejb3.deployer still has duplicate content
[JBAS-2864] - Local session expiration causes cross-cluster removal of 
[JBAS-2869] - 4.0 Testsuite Failures in security
[JBAS-2881] - Broken scheduler example
[JBAS-2894] - HAJNDI config in bindings.xml is invalid
[JBAS-2897] - JBossCacheManager processExpires() leads to inaccurate active 
session count
[JBAS-2900] - Trim CREATE_TABLES_ON_STARTUP in the JDBCStateManager
[JBAS-2906] - org.jboss.test.jmx.test. EarDeploymentUnitTestCase & 
UnpackedDeploymentUnitTestCase failure
[JBAS-2907] - org.jboss.hibernate.jmx.Hibernate MBean uses problematic naming 
for Hibernate Statistics MBean
[JBAS-2927] - Session invalidation does not result in removal from local 
sessions map on remote node
[JBAS-2940] - Entries are never removed from ReplicationStatistics map
[JBAS-2947] - 
org.jboss.test.cmp2.audit.test.AuditUnitTestCase(JACC+SecurityMgr) test failure
[JBAS-2948] - org.jboss.test.webservice.jbws309.JBWS309TestCase (JACC) 
(JACC+SecurityMgr) test failure
[JBAS-2956] - Example postgres config for JBossMQ needs an alias on the union
[JBAS-2970] - when running 
[JBAS-2976] - Test Case failure:  
[JBAS-2977] - Test Case failure: 
[JBAS-2978] - Test Case failure: 
[JBAS-2979] - Test Case Failure: 
[JBAS-2980] - Test Case failure: 
[JBAS-2981] - Test Case failure: 
[JBAS-2982] - Test Case Failure: 
[JBAS-2985] - Test Case Failure: 
[JBAS-2986] - Test Case Failure: 
[JBAS-3005] - AspectDeployer fails on undeploy of nested .aop jar


[JBAS-1694] - http session replication performance tuning
[JBAS-1951] - Hibernate 3.1 final must be released and merged in to JBAS
[JBAS-2384] - finish JBoss Remoting 1.4.0 final
[JBAS-2590] - Remove code for the old CMP Entity Bean based HttpSession 
[JBAS-2607] - Add more unit tests of FIELD granularity session replication
[JBAS-2608] - JMS jdbc2 service configuration for Derby database
[JBAS-2655] - Validate ClusteredSingleSignOnValve works on hosts in multiple 
tomcat services
[JBAS-2662] - Port Tomcat's ability to configure the SSO cookie domain to 
[JBAS-2729] - Correct/update the tomcat ROOT.war index.html links
[JBAS-2730] - Allow http session replication code to interoperate with 
JBossCache 1.2.3
[JBAS-2789] - Upgrade JBossCache from 1.2.3 to 1.2.4SP2
[JBAS-2802] - Get the jboss-4.0-compatibility-matrix tests 3.2.8 clients 
against a 4.0.2+ server tests working
[JBAS-2829] - Update to use the new release convention names
[JBAS-2836] - Restore the JBossCache 1.2.4 -appropriate configuration as the 
default config for tc5-cluster-service.xml
[JBAS-2840] - Upgrade xerces2-j from 2.7.0 to 2.7.1
[JBAS-2846] - Update bundled tomcat version to include fixes
[JBAS-2849] - Add the SingleRetryInterceptor to the standard clustered ejb 
[JBAS-2863] - Remove org.jboss.deployment.SubDeployerInterceptorSupport 
implicit attach()/detach()
[JBAS-2867] - Fix Security Tests in the 4.0 Testsuite
[JBAS-2888] - Example firebird config should include track-connection-by-tx
[JBAS-2896] - Update jboss-web_4_0.dtd with replication-field-batch-mode
[JBAS-2898] - Add missing-method-permissions-excluded-mode to the 
[JBAS-2899] - Externalize Tomcat Authenticators at the Host Level
[JBAS-2901] - Allow Tomcat background thread to manage non-local distributed 
session without deserializing them.
[JBAS-2912] - Remove warning that interval snapshot mode is deprecated.
[JBAS-2913] - Optimize handling of jvmRoute in ClusteredSession ids
[JBAS-2916] - Clean up Serializable implementation in ClusteredSession
[JBAS-2917] - Ensure proper synchronization on session objects during 
JBossCacheManager operations
[JBAS-2919] - Fix synchronization in ClusteredSession and 
SessionBasedClusteredSession read/writeExternal()
[JBAS-2922] - Don't put session in local session map as part of each request
[JBAS-2943] - Send out HttpSessionActivationListener notifications as part of 
[JBAS-2951] - Add AutoDiscovery test to HA-JNDI test
[JBAS-2952] - Don't include tc5-cluster.aop in the default config
[JBAS-2955] - JacORB upgrade from v2.2.1jboss to release v2.2.3
[JBAS-2972] - Find cause of current testsuite OOMEs
[JBAS-2973] - ConcurrentReaderHashMap iterators returning null
[JBAS-2975] - Get the org.jboss.test.cluster.test running (Failure local lookup 
with AutoDiscovery)
[JBAS-3001] - Explicitly name dependencies of jbossretro
[JBAS-3003] - Convert the session replication cache to FD from FD_SOCK
[JBAS-3009] - Upgrade to hibernate 3.2.0 final
[JBAS-3010] - Upgrade hibernate-entitymanager
[JBAS-3011] - Upgrade jbossxb to a non-snapshot release
[JBAS-3017] - Upgrade jboss-aop to 1.3.6 to cope with incompatibiliets in 
javassist 3.2.0CR1
[JBAS-3024] - Cache for session replication by default should have marshalling 
turned off
[JBAS-3025] - Replace by a version on 
[JBAS-3028] - Move javassist out of jboss-aop.deployer and into lib


[JBAS-1366] - Alter table throws Exception when using with mysql and postgresql
[JBAS-2819] - JBoss-IIOP's Log4jLoggerFactory Should Only Be Configured By 
[JBAS-2832] - Fix to allow TagLibCache to work with exploded deployments.


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