
I haven't checked this on JBoss but this pattern is consistent with the heap 
usage patterns on other containers and application servers.  It is due to the 
application server threads running in the background and the objects 
allocated/GC'd for that purpose.  This is not something to be concerned about, 
unless the amount of heap in use increases over time (ie, look at the heap 
usage for each valley before/after GC activity and if this increases, then this 
could point to an application server/application leak).  Also, 0-10Mb is not a 
particularly large delta so I would not be too concerned here.  If it was going 
from 0-100+Mb then I would perform additional analysis.

Since this is JBoss, you may wish to look at the AppServer slimming/tuning wiki 
to see if there are any services you can turn off/remove.  This will have an 
impact on performance, and probably also on the heap usage.

Hope this helps.


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