It is not that easy to post: it is based on a two-level template and two custom 
tags in a <ui:repeat>/<c:forEach>...

What are you looking for? I'll post the needed fragment.

This is the base page, however:

  | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  | <!DOCTYPE composition PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" 
  | <ui:composition xmlns="";
  |  xmlns:ui="";
  |  xmlns:c="";
  |  xmlns:fmt="";
  |  xmlns:h="";
  |  xmlns:e="";
  |  xmlns:f="";
  |  xmlns:fn="";
  |  template="include/default.xhtml"
  | >
  |  <ui:define name="title"><h:outputText 
  |  <ui:define name="subtitle">
  |   <h:outputLink value="index.jsf">Home</h:outputLink>
  |   <c:forEach var="c" items="#{currentCategoryPath}">
  |    <span class="px16"><h:outputText value=">"/></span>
  |    <c:choose>
  |     <c:when test="#{c == currentCategory}">
  |      <h:outputText value="#{e:localize(c).text}" transient="true"/>
  |     </c:when>
  |     <c:otherwise>
  |      <h:outputLink value="catalog.jsf">
  |       <f:param name="c" value="#{}"/>
  |       <h:outputText value="#{e:localize(c).text}" transient="true"/>
  |      </h:outputLink>
  |     </c:otherwise>
  |    </c:choose>
  |   </c:forEach>
  |  </ui:define>
  |  <ui:define name="body">
  |   <c:if test="#{! empty currentCategory.childrenCats}">
  |    <div style="height: 8px"> </div>
  |    <ui:repeat var="category" 
  |     <ui:include src="/WEB-INF/facelets/includes/categoryAbstract.xhtml"/>
  |     <div style="height: 8px"> </div>
  |    </ui:repeat>
  |    <table class="sotto"><tr><td class="spc"></td></tr></table>
  |   </c:if>
  |   <c:if test="#{! empty currentCategoryProducts}">
  |    <div style="height: 8px"> </div>
  |    <c:forEach var="ph" items="#{currentCategoryProducts}">
  |     <ui:include src="/WEB-INF/facelets/includes/productAbstract.xhtml"/>
  |     <div style="height: 8px"> </div>
  |    </c:forEach>
  |    <table class="sotto"><tr><td class="spc"></td></tr></table>
  |   </c:if>
  |  </ui:define>
  | </ui:composition>

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