I'm using:
Windows server 2003
JBossportal 2.2.1RC2-bundled
JRE 1.5
EJB 3.0
MySQL 4.1

So far everything works fine. I've created some sample EJBs and portlets and 
they all deployed and worked fine. I'm now trying to setup  Apache jUDDI as the 
UDDI registry in JBoss. jUDDI didn't come with my JBossportal bundle; I took it 
from the "all" folder off the standalone JBoss 4.0.3SP1. It was already 
configured as per http://wiki.jboss.org/wiki/Wiki.jsp?page=JUDDIConfiguration. 

Launching JBoss, there were no errors. Going to http://localhost:8080/juddi/ 
yielded 3 fields with the values: filename, size and last modified with no 
entries for those fields. From that, I assume that jUDDI has "successfully" 
been deployed but no tables/entries have been made into the Database?

Is there a file I failed to configure or bring over from the JBoss 4.0.3SP1 
standalone? Any help would be much appreciated!

Just in case, this is what my jboss-service.xml under meta-inf looks like:

  | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  | <!DOCTYPE server>
  | <server>
  |   <!-- The juddi service configration -->
  |   <mbean code="org.jboss.jaxr.juddi.JUDDIService"
  |     name="jboss:service=juddi">
  |      <!-- Whether we want to run the db initialization scripts -->
  |      <!-- Should all tables be created on Start-->
  |      <attribute name="CreateOnStart">true</attribute>
  |       <!-- Should all tables be dropped on Stop-->
  |      <attribute name="DropOnStop">true</attribute>
  |       <!-- Should all tables be dropped on Start-->
  |      <attribute name="DropOnStart">false</attribute>
  |       <!-- Datasource to Database-->
  |      <attribute name="DataSourceUrl">java:/DefaultDS</attribute>
  |       <!-- Alias to the registry-->
  |      <attribute name="RegistryOperator">RegistryOperator</attribute>
  |       <!-- Should I bind a Context to which JaxrConnectionFactory bound-->
  |      <attribute name="ShouldBindJaxr">true</attribute>
  |        <!-- Context to which JaxrConnectionFactory to bind to.
  |        If you have remote clients, please bind it to the global
  |       namespace(default behavior). To just cater to clients running
  |       on the same VM as JBoss, change to java:/JAXR -->
  |      <attribute name="BindJaxr">JAXR</attribute>
  |      <attribute name="DropDB">false</attribute> 
  |      <depends>jboss.jca:service=DataSourceBinding,name=DefaultDS</depends>
  |   </mbean>
  | </server>

I've tried both "true" and "false" for the 'CreateOnStart' attribute.

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