Hi All,

I am not able to figure out why my messages are not
being sent back to
the queue on a session rollback. I am not using MDB's.
Following is
how I am setting up my connection to a Topic

        //ConnectionFactory (using
        TopicConnection connection =


       TopicSession session =

       TopicSubscriber subscriber =

In a while loop, I have the call to receive messages:

 Message msg = subscriber.receive(1000);

after receiving a message, I process it, and call
session.commit(). But, if I run into
problems while processing the message, I am calling
session.rollback(). But, I don't
see the messages being persisted back into the db
table (JMS_MESSAGES) after the
call to session.rollback(). I was hoping that they
would be, so that when the consumer
is re-started, these messages can be re-delivered.
What could be going wrong? I thought
that if I create a topic session with 'transacted' set
to true, I will be able to restore messages
in case of processing errors...

Also, in the above situation, how can I configure the
number of 're-try' attempts? In an MDB,
one can do that in the deployment descriptor...but, in
a situation like the one above, how do I
tell the messaging server to 're-try' 3 or 4 times,
before sending the message to DLQ.... 

Please help!

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