
please excuse my English ... i'm french !

Fisrt of all, i'm using JBoss 4.02 !

I'm having trouble in catching EarDeployer Notifications. Here is my 
developpemen status : 

I have an MBean which is notified when a .ear archive is deployed in the 
"start" state of notification. This work properly. Then i try to instantiate 
the ObjectName that represent then MBean created during the .ear deployment. 
This MBean is named this way : 
"J2EEServer=Local,j2eeType=J2EEApplication,name=MyAppli.ear". This also work 
properly. To finish, I get, through an MBeanServer instance, the attribute 
"deploymentDescriptor" on the new MBean, like this : server.invoke(mbean, 
"deploymentDescriptor") (or something like this !!!). The deploymentDescriptor 
should contain the content of the "application.xml" file of the new deployed 
.ear archive !

This is where things turn bad ... 50% of the time the deploymentDescriptor is 
empty, 50% of the time it is OK ...  anyway when i look this attribute through 
the JMX Console it is always OK ...

Is this the good way for getting the application deployment descriptor when it 
is deployed ? is there a bug in JBoss 4.02 ?

Thanks for your help ...


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