I have asked this around and found no response. I started EJB 3 recently, and I 
have successfully created and deployed my EJBs and Entitys. But when it comes 
to accessing them from a web tier things go wrong. I have an EJB that appears 
in JNDI like this: (my @Stateless annotation has no name attribute)
  +- WorldNet
  |   |   +- PerfilServiceBean
  |   |   |   +- remote (proxy: $Proxy75 implements No ClassLoaders found for: 
com.diaup.worldnet.admin.PerfilService (no security manager: RMI class loader 
  | --------------
  | @Stateless
  | public class PerfilServiceBean implements PerfilService { ... }
First of all, that "No ClassLoaders found" kind of scared me. Interface 
PerfilService is annotated as @Remote. Okay, my JSF Backing bean looks like 
public class BackingBean {
  |     @EJB
  |     private PerfilService ejb;
  |     public String doSomething() {
  |         ejb.doSomething();
  |     }
  | }
When doSomething() is called, ejb is null. I really don't know what happens. 
Both bean and interface classes are packaged in the same ejb jar. The 
BackingBean class is packaged in WEB-INF/classes of a war file, and both are 
contained in the same ear file. I guess that's why I don't get a 
ClassNotFoundException when BackingBean is loaded. Anyway, why ejb is still 

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