Ok, I have been trying the jstl way...

Nevertheless I have been running into the following problem:

In my jsp I have

  | <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core"; prefix="c" %>
  | ...
  |                 <h:dataTable var="question" value="#{section.questions}">
  |                     <h:column>
  |                         <h:outputText value="#{question.text}"/><br>
  |                         <c:choose>
  |                         <c:when test="${question.radio}">
  |                         <h:selectOneRadio 
value="#{register.selection[question]}" required="true"
  |                                           layout="pageDirection">
  |                         <f:selectItems value="#{question.answerTypes}"/>
  |                         </h:selectOneRadio>
  |                         </c:when>
  |                             <c:otherwise>
  |                                 <h:outputText value="#{question.type}"/>
  |                             </c:otherwise>
  |                         </c:choose>
  |                     </h:column>
  |                 </h:dataTable>

and actually question.isRadio() returns true.
The problem is that it always takes the otherwise branch. I don't really 
understand what's the problem, it's almost the same that the dvd example does 
(same libraries as well).

Can it be of me using jsps instead of facelets? Is it supposed to matter anyway?

Thanks for any hint on this!

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