This is flamed answer

Darren Enns wrote:

> At my company, I am in a group that is evaluating e-business
> solutions.  The role that I have put myself in is 'open source'
> advocate.  We are interested in an 'overall' e-business solution, but
> the 'topic of the week' is 'application servers'.  I have very little
> time to gather the answers for the evaluations.  Hopefully, some of
> you may have quick answers to some of the issues I will pose about
> JBoss:
> Integration with systems management software (i.e. Tivoli)?


> Support for operating systems (i.e. AIX)?

Yes & very good.

> Level of support for Sybase RDBMS?

Nope ...
It supports JDBC.
If Sybase does, then you've got the answer.
Remeber that there's no point in defining system requirement or anything 
else. You need to define your interfaces & nothing else.

> Level of support for emerging standards (e.g. XML, Soap, etc.)?

See above...
Java does, so does JBoss !

> Integration with enterprise (i.e. IMS, PeopleSoft, Powerbuilder,etc.)?

Via JNI / SOAP / XML-messaging / ...

> Level of support for component-based development?

I bet you're joking.
Go & get vi installed on your machine, read a few book on what you're 
talking... You question is like is the ASCII code in the alphabet. The 
topics are not related, but JAVA allows competent people to code components

> Availability and integration of rich development environment?

vi, vim, emacs, xemacs are quiete rich but people don't like them.
You also have VisualAge (beware that they're in the last release before 
going towards something else ;-) I've wared you !), JBuilder (one of the 
best), Visual cafe (a crasher most the time, a cruncher when it works), 
JCreator (my personnal favorite on M$-Zin), to name a few....

> Well-defined application and configuration manangement process?
> Speed/throughput/capability (i.e. 100, 1000, 5000 users)?
> Learning curve?

See GARTNER analysis,instead of any other bullshit.

> It is probably much easier to get answers to questions like this from
> commercial vendors, but I decided that I would at least try for these
> products.

Get yourself an IDE & a few sleepless nights
You'll work out for yourself that :
        1°. Thoroughly self-contained IDE are bloody expensive in licence & 
consultancy but you have the possibility to keep your users stupid while 
they think they write code. This means that the start-up time of the IBM 
debugging environement is close to half an hour when the project reaches 
it's 400 classes (almost nothing for an average banking application). 
Look at WLS (Weblogic server), it's really a killer-app but it's also a 
killer with respect to licence-fees - especially for developper licences.

        2°. Some of these IDE's are very good but you have to have at least 15% 
of your people who can do _*everything*_ by hand. This is for two 
reasons at least :
                a) Even with complete IDE's they will have to
                b) To understand what to do you have to do it by hand because the IDE.
        Think once why most Free software guy's do work on VI with System.outs 
(well they may use Log4J) & emacs or xemacs.

        3°. Competence doesn't come out of a ML, neither out of a licence fee. It 
come of hard work & a bit of intelligence (I thought writting humility 
but seing my flammed answer, it may not be appropriate ;-) )


> If possible, quick responses would be greatly appreciated!
> Dare
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