On Tue, 2001-10-23 at 16:03, Satya wrote:
> Dear Friends,
> I am running embedded tomcat service of jboss.
> I have my tomcat running fine with messages:
> [EmbeddedTomcatSX]Starting EmbeddedTomcatSX....
> [Default]Starting tomcat.Check logs/tomcat.log for error messages
> [EmbeddedTomcatSX]OK
> [EmbeddedTomcatServiceSX]Started
> But the problem is Context that i have added to server.xml of tomcat
> is not running.My Jboss version is 2.4.1 and tomcat version 3.2.3 ,i
> am running this on linux 7.1.
> Let me know how can i run different context with jboss-embedded

If you're running Linux 7.1 you must be in the future as the rest of us
run 2.4. And being in the future(say at least 10 years with 7.1 being
out), I cannot imagine you're still using  such old versions of J2EE:)

What bandwidth do you have in the future - 1 Gb in every home:-)

Andreas Joseph Krogh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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