When in the servlet lifecycle does http session state replication occur when 
clustering http sessions in JBoss ?

Does it occur at the beginning & end of any request ?  Is there some way to 
control when the replication occurs ?

I have a long running operation which changes the http session state.  If the 
server fails-over during this long running request the session data does not 
seem to have been replicated.  The fail-over seems to work correctly the 
browser maintains it's connection and the code continues to execute on another 
server but it looses it's session data.

The following code simulates my problem.  This code just starts & stops a 
countdown that writes to the log.  There is a button to dump the http session 
state to the log.  

Scenario 1: 

1) click start button
2) kill server it is running on  

What I see is the countdown starts decremeting the count writing a message to 
the log every 2 seconds.  Then when the server is killed the second server 
picks up the code no problem and start running it.  But the countdown starts 
back at the initial value.  I was expecting that it would continue where it 
left off on the first server.

Scenario 2:

1) click start button
2) click dump button
3) kill server it is running on

What I see is the countdown starts decremeting the count writing a message to 
the log every 2 seconds.  Then when the server is killed the second server 
picks up the code no problem and start running it.  The coundown does not start 
back at the initial value, but but at the value that was printed in the dump 
step.  I was expecting that it would continue where it left off on the first 

So it seems that the dump request is triggering the http session replication.  
Which leads me to my question, what triggers the replication to occur ? and how 
much control is there over the timing.  It does not seem to matter if I use 
SYNC or ASYNC replicaton as the replication seems to not be triggered.

I expected initially that the session would replicate everytime it was 
modified, but that is clearly not the case.

Thanks in advance for your help.

<%@ page import="org.apache.commons.logging.Log" %>
  | <%@ page import="org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory" %>
  | <%@ page import="java.util.Enumeration" %>
  | <% final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog("JSP Logger"); %>
  | <html>
  | Hit the start button to start the countdown.  Hit the stop button to stop 
the countdown.  Hit the dump button to print the http session state.  
  | <form action="/tlh/tlh.jsp?state=start" method=post>
  |   <input type=submit value="start">
  | </form>
  | <form action="/tlh/tlh.jsp?state=stop" method=post>
  |   <input type=submit value="stop">
  | </form>
  | <form action="/tlh/tlh.jsp?state=dump" method=post>
  |   <input type=submit value="dump">
  | </form>
  | <%
  |     String state = (String)request.getParameter("state");
  |     if (state == null) state = "stop";
  |     if (state.equals("dump")) {
  |       Enumeration enm = session.getAttributeNames();
  |       while(enm.hasMoreElements()) {
  |         String attr = (String)enm.nextElement();
  |         logger.error("*************** TEST SessionID=" + session.getId());
  |         logger.error("*************** TEST Session variable: " + attr + " 
value: " + session.getAttribute(attr));
  |       }
  |     } else {
  |       session.setAttribute("state", state);
  |       if (state.equals("start")) {
  |         if (session.getAttribute("cnt") == null) {
  |           session.setAttribute("cnt", new Integer(100000000));
  |         }
  |         int i = ((Integer)session.getAttribute("cnt")).intValue();
  |         while (i > 0) {
  |           logger.error("*************** TEST " + i);
  |           session.setAttribute("cnt", new Integer(--i));
  |           //Hack seems to make session replicate before end of http request
  |           Enumeration enm = session.getAttributeNames();
  |           while(enm.hasMoreElements()) {
  |             String attr = (String)enm.nextElement();
  |             session.getAttribute(attr);
  |           }
  |           Thread.sleep(2000);
  |           if (((String)session.getAttribute("state")).equals("stop")) break;
  |         }
  |       }
  |     }
  | %>
  | </html>

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