Are we going to release the .tgz too?


On Wed, 21 Nov 2001, marc fleury wrote:

> This is it!
> we will have the link on shortly
> so go gentlemen, you know what is in there, clustering, EJB 2.0, sar, cl
> microkernel, the future.
> Can you hear those gun shots in the distance? that is us slugging it with
> the big boys,  that is us beating the crap out them, we believe, we believe
> in it, we believe in it more than they do.
> Come help us, we need you.
> We need you to download the stuff, we need you to buy the documentation from
> Dain on EJB 2.0 CMP, we need you to test and debug, we need you to strech it
> we need you to push it in your own vincinity, this is how we play the game.
> Play your part, help us establish JBoss as the Open Monopoly for web-app
> server infrastructure.
> we need you to code, pick up your keyboards and join our legions.
> We need you dude.
> And remember we love you too,
> PLgC
> marcf
> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Marc Fleury
> President
> JBoss Group, LLC
> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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