No, separate VMs.I look at it breifly but we don't
really need it and it looks quite messy to get right
in terms of class loading ...


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tahir Awan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, September 28, 2001 1:49 AM
> Subject: RE: [JBoss-user] Performance...
> were you able to run JBoss 2.4 and Resin in same VM?
> If so, can you share the configuration?
> Tahir
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Robert Schulz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, September 27, 2001 3:55 AM
> Subject: RE: [JBoss-user] Performance...
> Jo napot kivanok (this is as far as my Hungarian will go)
> We have a very similar setup
> Single CPU P4-1.4G, 1G RAM, fast SCSI disk running
> RH 7.1, SUN JDK1.3.1, Apache, Resin, JBoss2.4 and Postgres.
> This setup runs around 50 concurent users mucking around
> with the web app easily (we did not push it further as we 
> only use it in-house at the moment) and we have it running 
> for weeks with consistent response times. We talking hundreds 
> of thousands of bean method invocations and millions of SQL 
> queries. Due to the nature of the app, our session are all pretty
> long running (whereas yours sounds like a couple of pages per
> session app, right?)
> The only thing with Postgres is to VACUUM it periodically
> if you have a lot of updates (we do it every 10 minutes which
> takes around 3 secs).
> We have around 30 beans - jboss sits at about 48M (up from
> 39 for JBoss2.2) and our servlet engine at about (25) - however
> we did a lot of work to make sure our app logic gc-s properly.
> Let us know how you go!
> Robert.
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Jarecsni János [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Thursday, September 27, 2001 4:35 PM
> > To: JBoss-User
> > Subject: [JBoss-user] Performance...
> > 
> > 
> > Hi,
> > 
> > we developed an antiquarian bookstore using Sun's RI (and taking the
> > Petstore as the basis for the architecture of our system - 
> > more or less
> > successfully :-) Albeit I kept on telling my boss not to go 
> > into production
> > with Sun RI, we did last week. Ads appeared, and so on. And 
> > to turn to the
> > subject, dozens of users are now coming and the number is going up.
> > 
> > What I experienced was that the server just gave up after an 
> > hour and a half
> > or so. Response times grew, and finally it stalled. So, we 
> > decided to switch
> > to JBoss (latest stable build), and we're now at the final 
> > stage of this
> > transition. (The hardware is a two-way Intel PC, 800Mhz, with 
> > 512 Megs of
> > RAM running Debian GNU/Linux [kernel 2.4]. The server's mere 
> > duty is to run
> > J2EE and a PostgreSQL server plus two standalone Java apps 
> > that run some
> > scheduled tasks [sleeping mostly]).
> > 
> > My question is what we can expect from JBoss? I mean I have 
> > evil forebodings
> > as whether our application has been written correctly (in 
> > terms that JBoss
> > can run it optimally), because it was the very first J2EE app 
> > written at us,
> > and we had really no expert guidance at hand (only the 
> > Petstore example). I
> > have some hopes regarding the in-VM calls available in jBoss 
> > (no remote
> > calls between EJBs that run in the same VM), but what I'd 
> > really like to
> > know is what one needs to be able to serve hundreds of 
> > concurrent users???
> > So given that there are no severe architectural flaws in our 
> > application,
> > will jBoss be able to serve such a load without dramatic performance
> > degradation? Or should we apply some alternatives as server 
> clustering
> > and/or improve hardware (eg. use a separate machine as DB server)?
> > 
> > You know it's very important for me that this project 
> > succeeds since I get
> > criticisms every day saying that it would have all been done 
> > with PHP in a
> > few weeks time and would not crash even with hundreds of 
> > users... (which I
> > hardly believe). It would be so great to be able to prove 
> > that my idea to go
> > the J2EE way was right...
> > 
> > Thanks for your patience reading this and for your valuable answers!
> > 
> > Cheers,
> > 
> > János Jarecsni
> > Budapest, Hungary
> > 
> > 
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> > JBoss-user mailing list
> >
> > 
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