I am having a really tough time, trying to deploy my process with action 
classes and assignmentHandlers onto JBPM Starters Kit.
There are a few similar posts already on the forum, and I have tried to follow 
them but no luck. Please, kindly take a look and through me some pointers.

System: Windows Xp,  jbpm-starters-kit-3.1.1

Using Eclipse
I have tried to deploy websale process using eclipse and that works.
However, my own process with AssignmentHandler and Action classes is not being 
deployed correctly, the classes are not found.

Using ANT Script
I tried using the ant task and although the build succeeds it fails to show up 
on the http://locahost:8080/jbpm application. The ant script output says that 
it is storing everything in the inmemory db, but nothing goes in.
I am using the following ant script:

  | <target name="deploy.process" depends="build.process">
  |     <record name="deploy.txt" loglevel="verbose" action="start"/>
  |     <taskdef name="deployprocess" 
  |           <classpath refid="classpath.ant" />
  |     </taskdef>
  |     <deployprocess cfg="${basedir}/jbpm/src/config.files/hibernate.cfg.xml" 
  |     <fileset dir="build" includes="*.process"/>
  |     </deployprocess>
  |     <record name="deploy.txt" loglevel="verbose" action="stop"/>
  | </target>
The resulting archive file has the following structure:
       * process.par                                                  
       *classes--> has my classes 

Using Deploy Servlet
Lastly, I looked up the forums and used the deploy servlet to do the deployment 
of the above myProcess.process file. It successfully deploys but I cannot 
access my class files. 

I went into the jbpm.sar dir in the deploy directory and tweaked the 
jbpm.cfg.xml to add files.dir in there and also placed my classes in a .jar in 
the jbpm.sar and deploy directory but no luck.

Please, kindly point me as to where I am going wrong thanks.

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