I've used struts in the past and have a new project that I'd like to do with 

I'm not incorporating hibernate due to my inexperience with it and want to know 
how to inject a DataSource that's defined in ??-ds.xml in the deploy directory. 
 There are circumstances where I need to access data in multiple databases from 
the same application so I have more than one defined here.

Assume I have the following defined in the ds.xml file 

  | <local-tx-datasource>
  |    <jndi-name>myDatasource</jndi-name>
  |    ....
  | </local-tx-datasource>
My pojo looks similar to this

  | public class LoginAction implements Login {
  |    // What will get my datasource injected here?
  |    // I've tried countless variations.  
  |    @In or @In(value="myDatasource") or ???
  |    private DataSource myDatasource;
  |    @In(create=true)
  |    private User user;  // Session scope
  |    public LoginAction() { }
  |    public String challenge() {
  |       String rtn;
  |       if(!user.isAuthenticated()) {
  |          // authentication logic here/ query the database to check 
  |          // if not authenticated set rtn = "invalid"
  |          // otherwise store user role/access in user object in session scope
  |          // User object should reside in session scope for interrogation on 
next request.
  |       }
  |       return rtn;
  |    }
  | }
pages.xml looks like this to force authentication on every request

  | <pages>
  |    <page view-id="*" action="#{loginAction.challenge}"/>
  | </pages>
What @In annotation will work here for myDatasource?

I'm sure this is very simple but please, someone hold my hand. :-)

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