This is a good idea. I have been thinking about something similar. I would like
to make a contribution, but really it would be great to have a project to help
cut my teeth on.

I have been thinking about creating some type of EJB based application framework,
not to repeat the work of Struts or Tapestry, but to create an EJB tier to lie
underneath such presentation frameworks.

Such a project would also help create some 'vendor lock-in' as it where. Even
if it was still distributed under an open source license (I would suggest LGPL
personally), we could tie the components to JBoss rather than do 'clean-room'
implementations and create further value and differentiation for JBoss as an
'enterprise platform'.

Some other suggestions:

Management Console: there apparently is one for JBoss, but I could never get
it working an no one ever replied to my request on this liust for assistance.
WEith clustering immanent in v3.0, some type of management tool is essential.
Something modelled on the JRun Console would be great...this is still one of
the best server admin tools I have used.

NetBeans plugins and tools. Anything to help get JBoss integrated more tightly
into NetBeans (as the defacto standard Open Source Java IDE). Tools for creating
deployment descriptors, testing, anything else that came to mind. 

>  First, a little background:
>  1. So it seems that IT market contraction has arrived to the Netherlands,

>my colleagues that were contracting were all fired.
>  2. I was moved to a more relevant project, from a server side java
>developer (For the last years I habe been working on Servlets, XML, JDBC and

>a little JMS) I was converted into an client embedded C developer debbuging

>other people's code (it is even worse than it seems)
>  3. As such I decided to spend almost all my nights keeping in touch with

>server side java (I am an emmigrant, I don't have such a thing as a life
>8-) ), specially self-trainning myself in EJB and JSP.
>  I have been doing only "toy" applications. I was thinking in making
>something usefull with the knowldge that I am gainning and give it back to

>the community.
>  So my question is: What EJB application/component would you like being
>made available as free software (GPL)? I would really like to spend my time

>giving something back to the open source community (from which I have
>received so much), and now I have the proper motivation: to keep in contact

>with the technologies I really love. My development platform will be of
>course JBoss.
>Best regards,
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