MBeans do use a class loader that sees lib/ext jars. If you have
a problem with a jar in lib/ext that is addressed when moving the
jar to the classpath, this is an indication that Class.forName is
being used rather than the context thread class loader. This is
a design defect in the library jar you are using as it limits what
environments the jar can be used in.

Scott Stark
Chief Technology Officer
JBoss Group, LLC
----- Original Message -----
From: "Tim Yates" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, December 03, 2001 9:44 AM
Subject: Re: [JBoss-user] Eternal problem : JBoss 2.4.3 and Log4J

Hi, I may be completely off-topic here, but we just had a problem with our
freshly downloaded JBoss 2.4.3, where putting xerces.jar into /lib/ext was
not enough, and we kept getting ClassNotFound exceptions whenever we tried
to use xerces...

We solved this by moving it from /lib/ext to /lib, and adding it to the
classpath in run.sh

I assume the problem is that the MBeans do not end up using the same
classloader as JBoss (which is the one which has added all of the log4j, etc
jars to the classpath)...

If this is nothing to do with the problem described here, please feel free
to ignore me, it just sounded too similar, so I thought I'd stick my oar in


Tim yates

> I was using jboss 2.2.1 and I didnīt have any problem with my code, but
> I installed jboss 2.4.3 I began to get the exception: NoClassDefFoundError
> when I deployed beans that use classes from jar files that are at lib/ext
> like log4j.jar. I also tried different options of classpaths but jboss
> doesnīt startup correctly if you put log4j.jar in your classpath.

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