Jetty used to have some JNI code to call setuid on *nix so that it
could start as root and then become another user after listening on
port 80.

The problem here is that different JVMs uses different threading models.
Sometimes setuid only changes it for the current thread rather than the
whole JVM.

As the idea is to be secure - ie to know who is running as root and
who is not, a security mechanism that is hard to understand and platform
dependant was just not good enough.

The port mapping stuff works fine.

If that's not for you, run as root and set up a permissions file so that
the JVM sandbox does not let servlets call native code or exec files etc.


Greg Wilkins<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>          GB  Phone: +44-(0)7092063462
Mort Bay Consulting Australia and UK.    Mbl Phone: +61-(0)4 17786631                   AU  Phone: +61-(0)2 98107029

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