Eric Kaplan wrote:

> I have two session beans, a and b.  Both are container managed transactions,
> Requires transaction.  I call a from the client, which presumably initiates
> the transaction, and a calls b.  Something happens in b, which then throws
> an EJBException.  It seems like this is initiating a rollback, since b is in
> a's transaction.  Is this the case?  If it is, presumably there is no way to
> continue in a at this point, since the transaction has been rolled back?

That's correct. J2EE doesn't support true nested transactions. Since 
both of the methods are marked Requires, the initial call to a creates 
the transaction, which is simply propogated on to b when b is called.

There are two things you can consider doing:
1. If the exception that happens in b is really recoverable, catch it 
and throw an application defined exception. This will not trigger a 
rollback, and will allow a to catch the application exception and recover.
2. You could mark that method of b as RequiresNew, which will cause the 
container to create a new transaction when b's method is called. This 
will be a completely separate transaction, _not_ a nested transaction. 
In other words, it can commit even if the transaction in a rolls back! 
The only place I've really used this is for key-generation beans, where 
it really doesn't matter if there are unused numbers in a sequence and I 
need the critical section kept short.

hope this helped,

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