I was just wondering why it is that JBoss 2.4.4 running under Windows behaves 
completely different to JBoss 2.4.4 running under Linux, where logging is 
concerned?  With the default logging levels, under Linux on the deployment of 
a jar file, I get about 2-1/2 screens worth of information; under Windows I 
only get about 3 or 4 lines.  All of my log4j logging is output under Linux 
as well...not one bit of it is output under Windows.  Full Javamail debugging 
is also output under Linux; with the same mail.properties file under 

Is there something major I'm missing here?  This is all with exactly the same 
binaries, exactly the same versions of the jar files, exactly the same 
configuration files.  Under Linux, I'm using Blackdown JDK 1.3.0FCS; under 
Windows I'm using Sun JDK 1.3.1_02...just using Blackdown under Linux because 
it's not as painfully slow as Sun's JDK, but Sun's JDK produced the same 
results as far as logging goes under Linux.

Thanks in advance.

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