I have a serious problem with my application...

Basically it seems that I have transactions that are idling forever,
effectively blocking any new users...

I am using JBoss3 HEAD w/ PostgreSQL 7.2. The last version of JBoss I was
using, JBoss3alpha, didnšt exhibit this problem.

My application is setup like this:

This is a commerce application for selling music. I have servlets that talk
to SLSBs that talk to EJB (2.0 CMP Entities). My SLSBs are all set with
<trans-attribute>Required</trans-attribute> and the entities are all
<trans-attribute>Supports</trans-attribute>. It seems that if enough users
access parts of the application, the transactions idle forever.

I have my datasource configured for a max of 50 connections, but it never
gets close (I have Postgres setup to handle 200).

I have my Web sessions set to expire after 15 minutes and
BlockingTimeoutMillis set to 50000. IdleTimeOutMinutes and
CleanupIntervalMinutes are both set to 10. Still, it doesn't seem that
anything is freed up after 10 minutes though.

So, any ideas what I can do to do get this fixed? I see these as my

1. Possible application problem that isn't allowing

2. JBoss doesn't seem to be going all the way up to the max connections
specified in the datasource.

3. JBoss doesn't seem to be releasing idling transactions back into the

Also, any reason why this wouldn't have been a problem on the alpha and now
is with HEAD?


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