Title: New/Changed JCA connection factory

Is it possible to change properties related to a JCA connection factory and have them take effect without restarting jboss? I am using JBoss 2.4.4 with Embedded Tomcat 3.2.3 and would like to be able to modify connections to databases using the JMX interface on the fly. Currently, when I change a property (e.g. connectionURL) and stop/start the mbean I get a connection failure. My greater goal is to create new database entries on the fly. We are using the MinervaXACMFactory for our work. Our app (servlets/jsp's) can switch between databases and I would like to be able to add new connections on test/production servers without bringing down the app server and all of the active users.

Also, does the save method on the Configuration service work for dynamically added services. I don't see any change to the jboss.jcml file after I try to save.

John Moore

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