Dain Sundstrom wrote:

> Uh, no.  This sounds like a hack.  You should be able to have a 
> one-to-many self-relationship. For example in a person bean you should 
> be able to have, literally, a parent-child relationship with the 
> following abstract accessors.
>    public abstract Person getParent();
>    public abstract void setParent(Parent parent);
>    public abstract Set getChildren();
>    public abstract void setChildren(Set children);
> If this doesn't work, it is a bug.  I have a test case for this, but 
> it could be broken. 

(Please let me know if I'm speaking out my ass (again...))
I seem to recall someone mentioning that hypersql allows two columns in 
a table to have the same name.  This is not normally allowed in SQL 
databases, right?
If your test case only tests against hypersql, then it will probably 
give a false positive result.
I filed bug 530437 
because I ran into a similar problem using postgresql which complains 
about the relationship table that has two columns with the same name.
Now in my case it is a many-to-many self-relationship, but a one-to-many 
self-relationship also needs to have a separate relationship table, right?


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