Hello !

I'm having trouble putting a JMS app running on Jboss 3.0 beta. I am able to
obtain a JNDI context and a queue, but no connection factory. In JBoss 2.4.4
everything is fine.

I'm trying to get the OIL connection factory which I then cast to a

connectionFactory =

where JMS_CONN_FACTORY = ConnectionFactory

When the previous statement is executed the connectionFactory is null and no
exception is thrown. I have the client side JBossMQ jars in the classpath.

Environment :
JDK 1.3.1
Jboss 3.0.0 beta
Os : Windows 2000 Professional

I'm attaching the java file with the above code.

Many thanks.
Daniel Santos

Attachment: JMSMessaging.java
Description: JavaScript source

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