Thanks to all of you who offered advice before: I'm now a bit more
confident that this can be made to work. I'm still using JDK 1.4,
JBoss 3RC1, Postgres 7.2.1 and the pgjdbc2.jar driver on Linux and I
now have a "PostgresDS" appearing in my list of MBeans. I've bound
this to the JNDI name "DefaultDS" in the "postgres-service.xml" file
and removed the corresponding db-service.xml file for hsql.

JBoss now appears to start up cleanly, but as soon as I copy my ".ear"
file to the deploy directory, I get a string of Exceptions being
thrown. The first of these appears to be the most serious, and the
reason why the later exceptions are thrown:

2002-04-16 13:10:25,422 DEBUG [org.jboss.ejb.plugins.jaws.jdbc.JDBCCommand] Load SQL: 
SELECT,OSUser.passwordHash, FROM OSUser WHERE id=?
2002-04-16 13:10:26,052 ERROR 
[] The ConnectionManager 
mbean: jboss.jca:service=LocalTxDS,name=PostgresDS specified in a 
ConfiguredIdentityLoginModule could not be found.  ConnectionFactory will be unusable!
2002-04-16 13:10:26,114 ERROR [org.jboss.ejb.EntityContainer] Exception in service 
lifecyle operation: create
java.lang.SecurityException: Invalid authentication attempt, principal=null

So it looks like in the postgres-service.xml file, I need to specify a
different ConnectionManager. Anyone out there know which one?



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