On Tuesday 16 April 2002 23:35, Dmitri Colebatch wrote:


> Are you entering the world of JBoss from another EJB server, or fresh?


>  If
> you're entering fresh, and learning EJB, then I dont imagine the
> differences between 2.4 and 3.0 would bother you too much at first

I am more concernern with documentation etc., which is very important when 
you are getting into something new.  The 'book'  is for 2.4, yet a lot of the 
discussion on the lists/forums is about about 3.  I don't want to order the 
'book' and post questions about 2.4,. only to be told to move to 3 because it 
is X, Y and Z

> As I understand it, everything in 2.4 is also in 3.0, but there've
> been several significant architecture changes.

Are these on the 'inside' or 'outside'?

> also - the book covers 2.4, which would be a good argument for starting
> there.

This is what I currently favour, but it would be good to know the differences 
between 2 and 3.  I can't belive they are two great, especially as the 2.4 
'book' is not published here in the UK for another few weeks, and it would be 
a bad marketing effort to release a new, incompatible version before the book 
for the previous version is out.


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