Hi, I wrote a sample code to test the configuration of <commit-option>
in  standardjboss.xml. I searched the forum, so I think that if i set
like <commit-option>C</commit-option> then my code should work. But It
doesn't. and I got the exception. Could anyone help? Thanks in advance!

Remote Exception:  RemoteException occurred in server thread; nested
exception is:
        javax.transaction.TransactionRolledbackException: INSERTING AN
ALREADY EXISTING BEAN, ID = milos.enactment.Agent
Key@1; nested exception is:
        java.lang.IllegalStateException: INSERTING AN ALREADY EXISTING
BEAN, ID = milos.enactment.AgentKey@1

My code is simple. I created 3 agentbeans, then I use jdbc to clean the
table, after that I tried to create the same beans again:

   ctx = new javax.naming.InitialContext();
   AgentHome aHome = (AgentHome) ctx.lookup("milos/enactment/Agent");

aHome.create("lg1", "ps", "fn1", "ln1");
aHome.create("lg2", "ps", "fn2", "ln2");
aHome.create("lg3", "ps", "fn3", "ln3");

  if (connection == null) {
   System.setProperty("jdbc.drivers", DB_DRIVER);
   connection = DriverManager.getConnection(DB_URL, DB_ACCOUNT,
Statement statement = connection.createStatement();
   // clean Agent
   statement.execute("delete from agent");
  if (connection != null) connection.close();

aHome.create("lg1", "ps", "fn1", "ln1");
aHome.create("lg2", "ps", "fn2", "ln2");
aHome.create("lg3", "ps", "fn3", "ln3");

Jia (Christine) Li

524N ICT Building
Department of Computer Science
University of Calgary

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