This is concerning JBoss-3.0 on Branch_3_0 latest CVS

On Mon, 2002-05-06 at 14:10, Dennis Muhlestein wrote:
> I have a situation where an account can have one or none of an another
> entity bean in a relationship.
> I've defined it below as a one-one relationship.  This works fine if the
> billingInfo exists, but if it doesn't and I call getBillingInfo from the
> account, I still get an EntityBean Interface back.  (No Exception
> occurs)  Then, when I try to access or set something on the billingInfo
> interface, I get NoSuchEntityException from jboss.
> Should I use one-many instead??  Shouldn't I get null back or something
> instead of an interface to the ejb when the billingInfo doesn't yet
> exists?  If this is the correct functionality, then how to I know if a
> billing info record exists or not yet?  Is it possible to remove the
> billingInfo record in this case or is that against the law in a one-one
> relationship?
> Thanks for any comments.
> Dennis
> <ejb-relation>
>             <description>One Account has One/None
> BillingInfo</description>
>             <ejb-relation-name>Account-BillingInfo</ejb-relation-name>
>             <ejb-relationship-role>
> <ejb-relationship-role-name>AccountToBillingRole</ejb-relationship-role-name>
>                 <multiplicity>One</multiplicity>
> <relationship-role-source><ejb-name>AccountEJB</ejb-name></relationship-role-source> 
>                 <cmr-field>
>                     <cmr-field-name>billingInfo</cmr-field-name>
>                 </cmr-field>                
>             </ejb-relationship-role>
>             <ejb-relationship-role>
> <ejb-relationship-role-name>BillingToAccountRole</ejb-relationship-role-name>
>                 <multiplicity>One</multiplicity>
>                 <relationship-role-source>
>                     <ejb-name>BillingInfoEJB</ejb-name>
>                 </relationship-role-source>                
>             </ejb-relationship-role>
>         </ejb-relation>

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