
Albretch, you didn't see 'interest/Interest' listed, because 
the deploy directory of jboss3.0 is jboss/server/default/deploy/ , 
NOT jboss/deploy/. You can work around by copying interest.jar from
examples/build-examples/interest/ to jboss/server/default/deploy/
manually after you do "ant intro-interest-jar" from examples/build/.

You got an exception when "java InterestClient", because the CLASSNAME
of the file InterestClient.class is
"org.jboss.docs.interest.InterestClient", NOT "InterestClient". 
You can try "java org.jboss.docs.interest.InterestClient" instead if 
the parent directories are named correctly and can be found in


ÔÚ 2002-05-17 Îå µÄ 15:48£¬ Albretch Mueller дµÀ£º

> >java InterestClient
> Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
> InterestClient (wrong
> name: org/jboss/docs/interest/InterestClient)
>         at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass0(Native Method)

> _ but the class is definitely there
> >dir *.class
>  . .
> 05/16/2002  03:44p               2,158 InterestClient.class
> 05/16/2002  03:44p               1,250 InterestBean.class
> 05/16/2002  03:44p                 296 InterestHome.class
> 05/16/2002  03:44p                 246 Interest.class

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