We're using SuSE linux now but before, when we had red-hat, I remember
it was extermely important to install the jvm via rpm from sun.  You can
download a tar.gz jvm or you can get the red-hat rpm.  If we used the
tar.gz version it failed miserably all the time.  When we installed
their rpm things worked.

Hope this helps.

ps. SuSE is way better than RedHat :-)

On Thu, 2002-05-23 at 02:29, Craig O'Shannessy wrote:
> Hi,
> I am desperately trying to keep JBoss running without the JVM crashing on
> Redhat 7.2.  I have spent days trying to track down the problems, but to
> no avail.  I cannot find a stable JVM to run with JBoss (both 2.4.5 or
> 3.0.0_RC2).  We need to import large amounts of legacy data, and I can't
> get more than 10% of the way through before the JVM crashes.
> Does anyone have a stable PRODUCTION JBoss environment running on Redhat
> 7.2 SMP??, if so, please let me know what JDK you are using, and any
> patches you have had to apply.
> I have tried the following JDK's
> Sun JDK 1.4.0
> Sun JDK 1.3.1
> Sun JDK 1.3.1_03
> IBM JDK 1.3.1_01  (had to use "LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.2.5" for smp machine)
> Blackdown JDK 1.3.1_01 (both native and green threads, both give sig 11)
> ALL of them crash (with Signal 11, SEGV) (both the smp (dual athlon)
> machine and uni processor machines).  I have been researching this with a
> colleague for days, and no one seems to have a solution to this issue.  If
> you have faced this issue and solved it, PLEASE let me know!
> I upgraded glibc*rpm which helped with a SMP specific (pthreads) sig. 11
> crash, but I am still don't have a production qualitiy environment.
> HELP!!  I *REALLY* don't want to have to run this server on windoze, and
> we have to deploy soon.
> Please CC me in any reply.
> Thanks,
> Craig O'Shannessy
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