I'm currently developing an app using JBoss 3RC3 (and the bundled
tomcat 4.0.3) It would be lovely to be able to do a hot redeploy of my
app after making fixes, because currently start times are hovering
around 3 minutes. I'm developing using a file structure with a
suitable name (foo.ear) for the root directory, rather than a .EAR

When I touch the application.xml file, the app appears to be
un-deployed (?) and the re-deployed, however calls to obtain
EJBLocalHome objects barf, where before the redeploy they worked fine.

I use a method that takes a JNDI name and returns an EJBLocalHome
object, which is then cast to the appropriate type. Although the
returned object has the same class name as before the redeployment,
I'm getting ClassCastExceptions.

Can anyone help?



UNIX command of the day:
          # ar x "matey, the treasure"
          ar: matey, the tresure does not exist


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