> Very helpful indeed!

I didn't write this tutorial, I just found it while searching for "jboss" in Google... 

I just found out that the tutorial is for JBoss 3.0.0 beta, and somethings have 
changed since then, mainly xml descriptors, and database configuration xml files. Keep 
that in mind...

> Will you add some parts such as CMP 2.0 inheritance,
> XDoclet...?

I learned XDoclet reading the samples found in the 1.1.2-xdoclet distribution, and the 
online manual (http://xdoclet.sf.net).

You will find the paid CMP docs (www.jboss.org) very useful. The only problem is that 
they are for JBoss3.0.0 alpha, but the main concepts remain the same.

> I've got also one question: What are the main
> diferrences between MySQL and Hypersonic?

Hypersonic is a Java database, running "inside" JBoss... If you want to do some real 
work, you need a "real" database, like MySQL, Firebird, Postgrsql...

> TIA,
> Wonder Sonic

No problemo,

Ricardo Argüello

Standard consultant disclaimer: "Or not."


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