On Thu, Jun 06, 2002 at 11:52:52AM +0200, Markus Garscha wrote:
> Hi!
> i try to deploy my first Entity Bean and i get the following exception:
> org.jboss.deployment.DeploymentException: Error in ejb-jar.xml for
> Entity Bean PersonBean: expected one abstract-schema-name tag
> whats the problem? what is meant by "abstract-schema-name"?

In CMP 2.x, each Entity Bean needs an abstract schema name. This
basically works out as the conceptual table name used in your EJB-QL
statements (though what it's called in the underlying datastore is
independant of this)

FWIW, EJB-QL is used to define finder and select methods for your EJBs
in a vendor neutral fashion. That is, you can take your CMP 2 beans
and deploy them on any compliant app server and have the finder
methods actually work (which is always nice ;) With previous versions
of the EJB spec, this wasn't possible, so each and every app server
had it's own method for expressing finder methods --- a developer's



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