Oh, are trying to use a foreign key as a primary key?  If you are, it is 
not supported yet.  A new guy Ken is working on this, and said it 
"shouldn't be that hard" (that is what I said about the CMP 2.0 engine 
when I started).  If he has any luck, we should have this within a month 
or two.


Gerard BUNEL wrote:

> Francisco Reverbel a écrit :
>>I have seen a stack trace like this before. Aren't you using an older
>>JacORB version at the client side by any chance?
> Don't  know. I downloaded the jboss-all which included the jacorb.jar. Is
> there mean to know the version ?
>>JBoss requires JacORB 1.4. Neither JacORB 1.3.X or 1.4.betaX will work.
>>JacORB 1.4 was not yet publicly available when we released JBoss 3.0,
>>which went out with an unofficial "sneak preview" of JacORB 1.4's
>>library (jacorb.jar).
>>Please use at the client side the jacorb.jar file in the JBoss 3.0
>>distribution. Or else get JacORB 1.4, which was just released.
>>(I didn't test the official JacORB 1.4 GA release with JBoss yet.
>>This is the first thing in my todo list. It should work, unless
>>there is some last minute surprise.)
>>Another thing: you should not need any CORBA code in your RMI/IIOP
>>clients. Unless you are doing more CORBA stuff, you can remove the
>>ORB.init() call from your RMI/IIOP clients. There is no need to set the
>>"java.naming.corba.orb" property before you construct an InitialContext.
>>The initial context factory and the provider URL are enough.
> I can beleive that (I worked with BEA WebLogic) but as it was not working I
> tried using JacORB on client side
>>Let me know if the problem persists. I was away from this list for a
>>few days, but should be able to respond quicker now.
> Really thanks
> --
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