
I installed JBoss 3 final (Jetty), but doesn't find that JBoss.net is
installed in the binary package. Unlike JBoss 3 RC 3, I get error 404 back
from http://localhost:8080/axis/servlet/AxisServlet now. How may I set it to
work? And what does port 8083 do?

I deployed a few web services in Axis/Tomcat successfully. And I looked at
the CVS's jboss-all/jboss.net/samples/Hello example. In this example, a
special xdoclet.jar is used with the tag, @jboss-net:web-service urn="Hello"
expose-all="true" in the session bean. I followed this example, and made my
web-service.xml, and .wsr file using ANT. But I wonder about the
stub/skeleton class, and the WSDL file? Where should they be stored? In the
.wsr file? Should we create them manually using Axis' tool in advance? Where
may I find more information?




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