Hi Frederick,

Thanks. Yes, I got the Hello sample from the 3.1 source tree.

Now, I got the server deployed. Does xdoclet possible to generate the WSDL
file as well. I'm going to write a C# client. Do I need to do, java
org.apache.axis.wsdl.Java2WSDL -o
Hello.wsdl -l"http://localhost:8080/axis/services/Hello"; Hello, manually, so
that I can add a Web Reference in C#?

Just wonder, If my web service contains a complex type that requires a
serializer/deserializer, such as,

  <schema xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema";
   <complexType name="RegionData">
     <element name="regionId" nillable="true" type="SOAP-ENC:int"/>
     <element name="regionDescription" nillable="true" type="xsd:string"/>
     <element name="territoriesData" nillable="true"
   <complexType name="TerritoriesData">
     <element name="territoryId" nillable="true" type="xsd:string"/>
     <element name="territoryDescription" nillable="true"
   <element name="RegionData" nillable="true" type="tns2:RegionData"/>
  <schema xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema";
   <complexType name="ArrayOf_tns2_TerritoriesData">
     <restriction base="SOAP-ENC:Array">
      <attribute ref="SOAP-ENC:arrayType"

What should I do in JBoss.net? In Axis (without JBoss), Wsdl2java generates
some new methods, equals, hashCode, getSerializer, and getDeserializer, in
my serializable JavaBean (i.e. the xdoclet generated data bean; created by
the <dataobject/> tag)


----- Original Message -----
From: "Frederick N. Brier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Thomas Phan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, June 11, 2002 6:52 AM
Subject: Re: [JBoss-user] JBoss.net installation/deployment using xdoclet

> My apologies.  These comments are in reference to the 3.1Alpha in CVS.
> the 3.0 Final.  I wasn't aware that this code was in there.  The Hello
> example is still in a bit of flux, which is why its not called by the
> parent build file.
> If you don't see the jboss.net MBean using the port 8082 interface, then
> maybe, unfortunately, the axis-config.xml has an error.  I just fixed
> it.  If that is not it, perhaps there is another issue.
> I don't know what port 8083 does.
> On the Hello World program, it is demonstration of Macromedia Flash/SOAP
> integration.  It also uses a XDoclet extension that Dr. Jung wrote and I
> built into an xdoclet.jar which is in
> ./jboss-all/jboss.net/tools/lib.  Unfortunately, because there is an
> XDoclet in ./jboss-all/tools/lib it, as a classpath overrides the
> for the Hello sample.  So... if you want to temporarily remove the
> xdoclet.jar in the master directory.  The sample will then build.  Sorry,
> it is a hack.
> One of the goals of this sample is to show how a single build.xml file can
> cleanly generate all the interface sources, deployment descriptors and
> archives for an .ear: HelloSession.java, HelloLocal.java,
> HelloLocalHome.java, HelloUtil.java, web.xml, jboss-web.xml,
> web-service.xml, ejb-jar.xml, jboss.xml, application.xml, hello.jar,
> hello.wsr, hello.war, hello.ear.  I was trying to avoid having a separate
> XDoclet subtask since I was planning on updating xdoclet.  The build does
> work.  There is no need for stubs, skeletons, or wsdl files.  All of it is
> generated from one HelloBean.java file.  Just copy the
> ./jboss.net/samples/Hello/output/lib/hello.ear into the deploy directory
> and it should work. Just request http://localhost:8080/hello .
> This Hello World program uses a JSP tag and page to embed the SOAP root
> context into the Flash plugin html elements.  The HelloWorldForm.swf Flash
> program when you press the "say hello" button generates a SOAP message to
> the server, which goes through the servlet/axis engine to the EJB
> and back out to your browser.
> One last note on the example.  The version in CVS only works for IE.  The
> version I am currently working on has Actionscript classes to support the
> SOAP communication.  I will check that in as soon as I can bundle it as a
> Macromedia Flash Extension.
> I'm currently looking at upgrading the JBoss build process to use the
> latest version of XDoclet and its new extensible architecture.  That way
> subtasks can just be copied as needed into the lib directory.
> Also be aware that in order to run the Flash SOAP service you need to make
> changes in the axis-config.xml (uncomment the FlashNamespaceHandler) and
> install-axis.xml (comment out the "normal" servlet, uncomment the flash
> servlet) files.  Currently you can only run one Axis engine, but we are
> looking at changing that.
> Frederick N. Brier
> Multideck Corporation
> At 03:06 PM 6/10/2002, you wrote:
> >Hi,
> >
> >I installed JBoss 3 final (Jetty), but doesn't find that JBoss.net is
> >installed in the binary package. Unlike JBoss 3 RC 3, I get error 404
> >from http://localhost:8080/axis/servlet/AxisServlet now. How may I set it
> >work? And what does port 8083 do?
> >
> >I deployed a few web services in Axis/Tomcat successfully. And I looked
> >the CVS's jboss-all/jboss.net/samples/Hello example. In this example, a
> >special xdoclet.jar is used with the tag, @jboss-net:web-service
> >expose-all="true" in the session bean. I followed this example, and made
> >web-service.xml, and .wsr file using ANT. But I wonder about the
> >stub/skeleton class, and the WSDL file? Where should they be stored? In
> >.wsr file? Should we create them manually using Axis' tool in advance?
> >may I find more information?
> >
> >Thanks
> >
> >Thomas
> >
> >
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