At 11:49 AM 6/14/2002 +0200, you wrote:
>After installing jboss 3.0 + tomcat 4.0.3 and starting it, I'm trying to 
>open the <http://localhost:8080>http://localhost:8080 url to see if tomcat 
>is running as usual. Instead of having the typical tomcat documentation 
>page, I've this error page:
>Apache Tomcat/4.0.3 - HTTP Status 500 - No Context configured to process 
>this request
>type Status report
>message No Context configured to process this request
>description The server encountered an internal error (No Context 
>configured to process this request) that prevented it from fulfilling this 
>I've seen some peoples complaining for the same issue in the mailing list 
>archive but the replies where not giving a real solution.
>Any help is welcome,
>Gaetano Di Gregorio.


this version deploys what sits under the JBOSS_DIST/server/default/deploy 
directory, so if you want what's under JBOSS_DIST/catalina/webapps to be 
deployed, then you need to

a) move them. I've not tried moving the folders, but you could probably try 
that., or,
b) change the deployment options in the jboss-service.xml file to deal with 
directories, and specify the catalina/webapps directory.

I'm still coming to grips with the changes from the 2.x versions of 
JBoss-Tomcat, too.



Dr. Bruce A. Scharlau
Dept. of Computing Science
Aberdeen University
Aberdeen AB24 3UE
01224 272193


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