Thanks for that.

Basically I checked out the 3_0_0 branch, and built it, and couldn't even
get my non xa application (which works on 3.0.0 final release) working - I
was getting NoSuchMethodErrors from the ear deployer.

I guess I was doing something wrong and it was late and I was in a rush so
I'd thought it might just be easier to patch the files directly onto our
working codebase, hence the question.

I shall try again tomorrow with a clearer head and see if I get the same

----- Original Message -----
From: "Igor Fedorenko" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, June 18, 2002 9:18 PM
Subject: Re: [JBoss-user] XATxConnectionManager with Oracle?

> Tim,
> Basically, I did two things (see attached diff)
> 1. In
> I added caching of XAResource
> 2. In server/src/main/org/jboss/tm/ I changed
> getGlobalTransactionId() and getBranchQualifier() to always return
> 64-byte arrays. Devid reinterpreted this change slightly, he added xid
> factory which can be configured to create correct xids (I mean, correct
> from oracle's point of view).
> You should be able to apply the diff to JBoss_3_0_0 (cvs -z3 co
> -rJBoss_3_0_0) which I assume corresponds to jboss 3.0.
> Btw, what are these "real problems" you are talking about? Are they
> related to setting oracle xa driver or Branch_3_0 has some other issues?
> Tim wrote:
> > Hi Igor-
> >
> > Could you tell me which files were added/modified in the patch, because
> > we're having some real problems getting the cvs version to run, and we
> > really need the xa transactions?
> >
> > Thanks
> >
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "Igor Fedorenko" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Sent: Monday, June 17, 2002 3:51 PM
> > Subject: Re: [JBoss-user] XATxConnectionManager with Oracle?
> >
> >
> >
> >>David,
> >>
> >>I checked Branch_3_0 and it seemed to work. I completely agree that
> >>XidFactory is more elegant and flexible solution then hardcoded change
> >>to XidImpl. One suggestion though -- I would add comment about
> >>XidFactory mbean and its "Pad" attribute into sample
> >>oracle-xa-services.xml, otherwise it is not obvious how to configure
> >>this thing and "invalid transaction id" exception thrown during
> >>conn.close() does not add clarity ;-)
> >>
> >>David Jencks wrote:
> >>
> >>>Many many thanks.
> >>>
> >>>I checked in the config file and applied the XAManagedConnection patch.
> >>>Instead of applying the changes to Xid handling I changed Xid creation
> >>
> > to
> >
> >>>be done through a factory mbean.  You can configure the factory with
> >>>"pad" boolean property to specify if the xid's are of maximum size.  In
> >>>jboss 3, this mbean config is in the main jboss-service.xml file.  In
> >>
> > 3.1
> >
> >>>it will be in a separate tm-service.xml file.
> >>>
> >>>Can you please check whether or not my reinterpretation of the patches
> >>>still works?  If so I will clean up the XidFactory interface a bit and
> >>
> > port
> >
> >>>the changes to 3.1 as well.
> >>>
> >>>Thanks!
> >>>
> >>>david jencks
> >>>
> >>>On 2002.06.14 17:03:56 -0400 Igor Fedorenko wrote:
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>>Attached, please fine a patch which fixes problems with Oracle XA
> >>>>I
> >>>>have described earlier and example configuration file. The patch is
> >>>>against
> >>>>JBoss_3_0_0 cvs tag (branch?). Hope this helps.
> >>>>
> >>>>PS: sorry for html posting
> >>>>
> >>>>-----Original Message-----
> >>>>From: Igor Fedorenko [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> >>>>Sent: Friday, June 14, 2002 4:06 PM
> >>>>Subject: RE: [JBoss-user] XATxConnectionManager with Oracle?
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>Thanks for a helpful hint, David. As you correctly guessed my test ssb
> >>>>was
> >>>>leaking sql connections. I'll post my patch and config files here
> >>>>shortly.
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>>-----Original Message-----
> >>>>>From: David Jencks [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> >>>>>Sent: Friday, June 14, 2002 2:01 PM
> >>>>>Subject: Re: [JBoss-user] XATxConnectionManager with Oracle?
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>Thanks for your work on this. Please post the results when you are
> >>>>>satisfied.  IMO the entire xa wrapper needs replacing which I
> >>>>>unfortunately
> >>>>>won't have time for soon.  I'm not sure if associateConnection can be
> >>>>>implemented easily.  You can avoid it being called if you always
> >>>>>connection handles before calling other ejb methods (through
> >>>>>home or remote
> >>>>>interfaces) (and do not hold connections over method
> >>>>>boundaries).  So, try
> >>>>>this:
> >>>>>
> >>>>>Connection c = myds.getConnection();
> >>>>>//do something
> >>>>>c.close()
> >>>>>myotherRemoteInterface.doSomethingElse();
> >>>>>c = myds.getConnection();
> >>>>>//do the rest of your work
> >>>>>c.close();
> >>>>>
> >>>>>david jencks
> >>>>>
> >>>>>On 2002.06.14 13:35:16 -0400 Igor Fedorenko wrote:
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>>I spent last two days trying to make this work and it looks
> >>>>>
> >>>>>like there
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>>are
> >>>>>>number of issues with both oracle xa datasource and jboss
> >>>>>
> >>>>>itself. I am
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>>getting close to have this configuration work (it's oracle
> >>>>>
> >>>>> in my
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>>case but this should not make big difference). Problems that I've
> >>>>>>seen/fixed
> >>>>>>so far
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>1. Oracle xa driver returns difference XAResource for each call to
> >>>>>>XAConnection.getXAResource (see specs jdbc 2.0, section 7.2.2 why it
> >>>>>>should
> >>>>>>not). This problem causes "xaRes not enlisted". Fixed
> >>>>>
> >>>>>XAManagedConnection
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>>to
> >>>>>>cache XAResource, this fix should not break anything else.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>2. Although oracle xa driver accepts non-oracle Xid object,
> >>>>>
> >>>>>it seems to
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>>require that both getGlobalTransactionId and
> >>>>>
> >>>>>getBranchQualifier always
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>>return byte[64], otherwise it throws "invalid transaction id" during
> >>>>>>XAResource.end. Fixed XidImpl to return such arrays, not
> >>>>>
> >>>>>sure if it will
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>>work with all resource managers.
> >>>>>
> >>>><HTML>
> >>>><HEAD>
> >>>><META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html;
> >>>><META NAME="Generator" CONTENT="MS Exchange Server version
> >>>><TITLE>RE: [JBoss-user] XATxConnectionManager with Oracle?</TITLE>
> >>>></HEAD>
> >>>><BODY>
> >>>>
> >>>><P><FONT SIZE=2>Attached, please fine a patch which fixes problems
> >>>>Oracle XA driver I have described earlier and example configuration
> >>>
> > file.
> >
> >>>>The patch is against JBoss_3_0_0 cvs tag (branch?). Hope this
> >>>>helps.</FONT></P>
> >>>>
> >>>><P><FONT SIZE=2>PS: sorry for html posting</FONT>
> >>>></P>
> >>>>
> >>>><P><FONT SIZE=2>-----Original Message-----</FONT>
> >>>><BR><FONT SIZE=2>From: Igor Fedorenko [<A
> >>>
>>>HREF="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]";>mailto:ifedorenko@thinkdynamic
> >>
> > .com</A>]</FONT>
> >
> >>>><BR><FONT SIZE=2>Sent: Friday, June 14, 2002 4:06 PM</FONT>
> >>>><BR><FONT SIZE=2>Subject: RE: [JBoss-user] XATxConnectionManager with
> >>>>Oracle?</FONT>
> >>>></P>
> >>>><BR>
> >>>>
> >>>><P><FONT SIZE=2>Thanks for a helpful hint, David. As you correctly
> >>>>guessed my test ssb was leaking sql connections. I'll post my patch
> >>>>config files here shortly.</FONT></P>
> >>>>
> >>>><P><FONT SIZE=2>&gt; -----Original Message----- </FONT>
> >>>><BR><FONT SIZE=2>&gt; From: David Jencks [<A
> >>>
>>>HREF="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]";>mailto:davidjencks@directvi
> >>
> ></A>]
> >
> >>>></FONT>
> >>>><BR><FONT SIZE=2>&gt; Sent: Friday, June 14, 2002 2:01 PM </FONT>
> >>>><BR><FONT SIZE=2>&gt; Subject: Re: [JBoss-user] XATxConnectionManager
> >>>>with Oracle? </FONT>
> >>>><BR><FONT SIZE=2>&gt; </FONT>
> >>>><BR><FONT SIZE=2>&gt; </FONT>
> >>>><BR><FONT SIZE=2>&gt; Thanks for your work on this. Please post the
> >>>>results when you are </FONT>
> >>>><BR><FONT SIZE=2>&gt; satisfied.&nbsp; IMO the entire xa wrapper needs
> >>>>replacing which I </FONT>
> >>>><BR><FONT SIZE=2>&gt; unfortunately </FONT>
> >>>><BR><FONT SIZE=2>&gt; won't have time for soon.&nbsp; I'm not sure if
> >>>>associateConnection can be </FONT>
> >>>><BR><FONT SIZE=2>&gt; implemented easily.&nbsp; You can avoid it being
> >>>>called if you always close </FONT>
> >>>><BR><FONT SIZE=2>&gt; connection handles before calling other ejb
> >>>
> > methods
> >
> >>>>(through </FONT>
> >>>><BR><FONT SIZE=2>&gt; home or remote </FONT>
> >>>><BR><FONT SIZE=2>&gt; interfaces) (and do not hold connections over
> >>>>method </FONT>
> >>>><BR><FONT SIZE=2>&gt; boundaries).&nbsp; So, try </FONT>
> >>>><BR><FONT SIZE=2>&gt; this: </FONT>
> >>>><BR><FONT SIZE=2>&gt; </FONT>
> >>>><BR><FONT SIZE=2>&gt; Connection c = myds.getConnection(); </FONT>
> >>>><BR><FONT SIZE=2>&gt; //do something </FONT>
> >>>><BR><FONT SIZE=2>&gt; c.close() </FONT>
> >>>><BR><FONT SIZE=2>&gt; myotherRemoteInterface.doSomethingElse();
> >>>><BR><FONT SIZE=2>&gt; c = myds.getConnection(); </FONT>
> >>>><BR><FONT SIZE=2>&gt; //do the rest of your work </FONT>
> >>>><BR><FONT SIZE=2>&gt; c.close(); </FONT>
> >>>><BR><FONT SIZE=2>&gt; </FONT>
> >>>><BR><FONT SIZE=2>&gt; david jencks </FONT>
> >>>><BR><FONT SIZE=2>&gt; </FONT>
> >>>><BR><FONT SIZE=2>&gt; On 2002.06.14 13:35:16 -0400 Igor Fedorenko
> >>>></FONT>
> >>>><BR><FONT SIZE=2>&gt; &gt; I spent last two days trying to make this
> >>>
> > work
> >
> >>>>and it looks </FONT>
> >>>><BR><FONT SIZE=2>&gt; like there </FONT>
> >>>><BR><FONT SIZE=2>&gt; &gt; are </FONT>
> >>>><BR><FONT SIZE=2>&gt; &gt; number of issues with both oracle xa
> >>>>datasource and jboss </FONT>
> >>>><BR><FONT SIZE=2>&gt; itself. I am </FONT>
> >>>><BR><FONT SIZE=2>&gt; &gt; getting close to have this configuration
> >>>>(it's oracle </FONT>
> >>>><BR><FONT SIZE=2>&gt; in my </FONT>
> >>>><BR><FONT SIZE=2>&gt; &gt; case but this should not make big
> >>>
> > difference).
> >
> >>>>Problems that I've </FONT>
> >>>><BR><FONT SIZE=2>&gt; &gt; seen/fixed </FONT>
> >>>><BR><FONT SIZE=2>&gt; &gt; so far </FONT>
> >>>><BR><FONT SIZE=2>&gt; &gt; </FONT>
> >>>><BR><FONT SIZE=2>&gt; &gt; 1. Oracle xa driver returns difference
> >>>>XAResource for each call to </FONT>
> >>>><BR><FONT SIZE=2>&gt; &gt; XAConnection.getXAResource (see specs jdbc
> >>>>2.0, section 7.2.2 why it </FONT>
> >>>><BR><FONT SIZE=2>&gt; &gt; should </FONT>
> >>>><BR><FONT SIZE=2>&gt; &gt; not). This problem causes &quot;xaRes not
> >>>>enlisted&quot;. Fixed </FONT>
> >>>><BR><FONT SIZE=2>&gt; XAManagedConnection </FONT>
> >>>><BR><FONT SIZE=2>&gt; &gt; to </FONT>
> >>>><BR><FONT SIZE=2>&gt; &gt; cache XAResource, this fix should not break
> >>>>anything else. </FONT>
> >>>><BR><FONT SIZE=2>&gt; &gt; </FONT>
> >>>><BR><FONT SIZE=2>&gt; &gt; 2. Although oracle xa driver accepts
> >>>>non-oracle Xid object, </FONT>
> >>>><BR><FONT SIZE=2>&gt; it seems to </FONT>
> >>>><BR><FONT SIZE=2>&gt; &gt; require that both getGlobalTransactionId
> >>>></FONT>
> >>>><BR><FONT SIZE=2>&gt; getBranchQualifier always </FONT>
> >>>><BR><FONT SIZE=2>&gt; &gt; return byte[64], otherwise it throws
> >>>>&quot;invalid transaction id&quot; during </FONT>
> >>>><BR><FONT SIZE=2>&gt; &gt; XAResource.end. Fixed XidImpl to return
> >>>>arrays, not </FONT>
> >>>><BR><FONT SIZE=2>&gt; sure if it will </FONT>
> >>>><BR><FONT SIZE=2>&gt; &gt; work with all resource managers. </FONT>
> >>>></P>
> >>>>
> >>>><P><FONT FACE="Arial" SIZE=2 COLOR="#000000"></FONT><FONT FACE="Arial"
> >>>>SIZE=2 COLOR="#000000"></FONT>&nbsp;
> >>>>
> >>>></BODY>
> >>>></HTML>
> >>>>
> >>>_______________________________________________________________
> >>>
> >>>Sponsored by:
> >>>ThinkGeek at
> >>>_______________________________________________
> >>>JBoss-user mailing list
> >>>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>_______________________________________________________________
> >>
> >>Sponsored by:
> >>ThinkGeek at
> >>_______________________________________________
> >>JBoss-user mailing list
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> >
> >
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >                    Bringing you mounds of caffeinated joy
> >                    >>>    <<<
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > JBoss-user mailing list
> >


> Index:
> ===================================================================
> RCS file:
> retrieving revision 1.2
> diff -u -r1.2
> ---
va 1 Dec 2001 18:08:18 -0000 1.2
> +++
va 14 Jun 2002 20:35:44 -0000
> @@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
>  {
>     private XAConnection con;
>     private XADataSource source;
> +   private XAResource res;
>     private int transactionIsolation;
>     /*
> @@ -70,12 +71,21 @@
>      * @return                                      The XAResource value
>      * @exception javax.resource.ResourceException  Description of
>      */
> -   public XAResource getXAResource()
> -          throws javax.resource.ResourceException
> +   public synchronized XAResource getXAResource()
> +          // ifedorenko remove synchronized if it does not make sense
> +       throws javax.resource.ResourceException
>     {
>        try
>        {
> -         return con.getXAResource();
> +         // ifedorenko
> +         // Cache XAResource as a workaround for a bug in oracle xa
> +         // which returns a different XAResource for each getXAResource
> +         // (see JDBC 2.0 spec, section 7.2.2 for a reason why it should
> +         if (res == null)
> +         {
> +            res = con.getXAResource();
> +         }
> +         return res;
>        }
>        catch (SQLException e)
>        {
> Index: server/src/main/org/jboss/tm/
> ===================================================================
> RCS file: /cvsroot/jboss/jboss/src/main/org/jboss/tm/Attic/,v
> retrieving revision 1.14
> diff -u -r1.14
> --- server/src/main/org/jboss/tm/ 12 Dec 2001 22:12:18 -0000
> +++ server/src/main/org/jboss/tm/ 14 Jun 2002 20:35:52 -0000
> @@ -144,7 +144,15 @@
>      */
>     public byte[] getGlobalTransactionId()
>     {
> -      return (byte[])globalId.clone();
> +      // ifedorenko
> +      // Oracle xa driver throws XAException.XAER_NOTA (The XID is not
> +      // if returned value does not have some padding zeros.
> +      // I do not know what the limitation is but their examples seem to
> +      // always use 64 byte arrays. I checked that JBossMQ accepts such
> +      // ids but do not know if other resource managers do.
> +      byte[] result = new byte[Xid.MAXGTRIDSIZE];
> +      System.arraycopy(globalId, 0, result, 0, globalId.length);
> +      return result;
>     }
>     /**
> @@ -152,10 +160,10 @@
>      */
>     public byte[] getBranchQualifier()
>     {
> -      if (branchId.length == 0)
> -         return branchId; // Zero length arrays are immutable.
> -      else
> -         return (byte[])branchId.clone();
> +      // ifedorenko see my comments above
> +      byte[] result = new byte[Xid.MAXBQUALSIZE];
> +      System.arraycopy(branchId, 0, result, 0, branchId.length);
> +      return result;
>     }
>     /**

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