Hi David.

Thanks, exactly what I was looking for.  Now to port the general idea over to my 
ConnectionFactory object...


David Jencks wrote:

> OK, look at the org.jboss.test.jmx.test.DeployConnectionManagerUnitTestCase
> in the testsuite module for an example of code that creates the mbeans that
> set up a datasource.
> david jencks
> On 2002.06.22 22:33:29 -0400 Stephen Davidson wrote:
>>Hi David.
>>This is for an already existing framework.
>>The database instance to connect to is determined by the application
>>during user login.  The login module in question was written before the
>>JAAS specifications were stabilized, which is why JAAS is 
>>not being used in the current version.  To put it in right now is more
>>work than manpower currently available.  But this means that JBoss
>>Security is basically completely bypassed,  and security is 
>>instead handled directly by the application.
>>We are talking 1-200 connections per Database, with each connection
>>generally last 10 minutes - 8 hours.
>>Application Managed Security.
>>The DataSources are stored in JNDI.  If a Datasource that the application
>>is looking for does not exist, a new one is created and stored in JNDI. 
>>I am guessing that in order to do this in JBoss, I 
>>need to access a ConnectionManager MBean.  Problem is, I do not know
>>which one, or what its parameters are.  Nor am I sure where to start
>>looking.  For Orion, I created an OrionCachingDataSource, and 
>>stored that in JNDI.  The Orion Container took care of managing the
>>number of connections, etc.  I would like to do something similiar with
>>Basically, I want the application to be able to create something similar
>>for jboss as a service.xml file, but at runtime by calling an appropriate
>>I would love to "play" with what Mr. Bunker wrote for the next version of
>>this project, if there is one.  Right now, I just want to get the current
>>version ported to a stable platform (like JBoss), 
>>and out the door.
>>David Jencks wrote:
>>>Ease up on your assumptions and tell us more about your requirements.
>>>What's going to determine which database instance you connect to?  How
>>>connections/database instance?  How long do they last?  Container
>>>Dan Bunker wrote a login module and modified the Local Tx wrapper so
>>>the incoming user name is mapped to a particular db url and db user/pw.
>>>This works within one pool/datasource.  I'd guess you might be able to
>>>modify it slightly and perhaps write a different login module to do
>>>you want.
>>>I had a couple problems with including it in jboss core and haven't had
>>>time to fix them, but it might be what you need.  Let me (or Dan) know.
>>>david jencks
[snip to save bandwith] 

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