Is the callback called? Do you have a security domain set up?

On Mon, Jul 01, 2002 at 06:39:24PM -0300, Emerson Cargnin - MSA wrote:
> no sugestion?
> Emerson Cargnin - MSA wrote:
> > My problem is to make a junit test to access the EJB's using security. I
> > tried to use the tests from CVS. My server uses ldap to authenticate
> > users. From embbeded tomcat it works allright, i did the following to
> > access through junit task :
> > 
> > 
> > - ant build.xml file that calls junit test:
> > 
> >      <junit printsummary="true" fork="yes">
> > <formatter type="xml" />
> > <sysproperty key=""
> >      value="${config.tests}/auth.conf"/>
> > <batchtest fork="yes" todir="${}">
> > <fileset dir="${tests.dir}">
> > <include name="**/*Test*.class" />
> > </fileset>
> > </batchtest>
> > <classpath>
> > ...
> >           </classpath>
> > </junit>
> > 
> > - auth.conf file :
> > 
> >      other
> >      {
> >  required;
> >      };
> > 
> > 
> > - junit test case method (excerpt) :
> >      ...
> >      LoginContext lc = null;
> >      boolean loggedIn = false;
> >      try
> >      {
> >          AppCallbackHandler handler = new
> >          AppCallbackHandler("admin","admin".toCharArray());
> >          lc = new LoginContext("other", handler);
> >          lc.login();
> >      } catch (LoginException e)
> >      {assertTrue("login not ok"+e.getMessage(),false);}
> >      ... (call EJB methods though businness delegates )
> > 
> > obs : the AppCallbackHandler is the one of JBoss tests.
> > 
> > 
> > The client doesn't give me any error (during login) and the server gives
> > me the following message :
> > 
> > 
> > 16:45:19,511 ERROR [SecurityInterceptor] Authentication exception,
> > principal=null
> > 16:45:19,731 ERROR [SecurityInterceptor] Authentication exception,
> > principal=null
> > 16:45:19,821 ERROR [SecurityInterceptor] Authentication exception,
> > principal=null
> > 16:45:19,935 ERROR [SecurityInterceptor] Authentication exception,
> > principal=null
> > 
> > 
> > One question :
> > 
> > with this steps done (if it's not missing nothing),  may I call the
> > ejb's methods without any other code, that the user context (principal)
> > will be sent to the jboss server???
> > 
> > obs: the jboss server, as I said before, uses ldap to authenticate and
> > autorize, and it works very well for the tomcat embbeded. Correct me if
> > i'm wrong, but for the client, it doens't matter what kind of jaas
> > loginModule the server uses, isn't?
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
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Marius Kotsbak
Boost communications AS

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