what about java web start? seems simpler to me (I used it, pretty easy, but
can't deliver different versions to different users afaik)


----- Original Message -----
From: Greg Turner
Sent: Friday, August 16, 2002 9:08 PM
Subject: Re: [JBoss-user] Launching Swing Applications from JBoss 3.0.0

You could write a program that admin person would run on central server.
This program would read batch script of some kind that contains each users
configuration.  Then this program could connect to each users' MBeanServer
via a rmi Connector and change the config for that user.  So, running a
batch script to change all user's config is not a problem.
A good ref is the free book about JMX on www.theserverside.com

Dmitri Colebatch wrote:
hey all, I'm very interested in this thread - mainly because I've just
started a contract in exactly that sort of situation. to be honest, I'm not
exactly sure how many users there are, but I believe its ~100 or so. atm
there is a logon script on all the machines that copies the "appropriate"
version of the application to the client when the user logs on (windows
boxes). the hurdle I face atm, is that the existing application has
different versions deployed at a time - ie. some users might have version
1.87 and some might have 1.86 - basically the more forgiving users will get
the new version first - sort of as a beta test. now - to me, the idea of
having jboss running locally on every machine, and deploying the application
via filesystem/http would make distribution a piece of cake.  but the
manager likes the current situation in that he can change the batch script
and immediately put user A on one version and user B on another. anyone have
any thoughts about how you might go about doing that?  (thinking aloud)  I
suppose he could remotely log onto the user's JBoss 'server' and using the
JMX console undeploy the old version and redeploy the new - but you couldn't
do that by hand for all of them, there would need to be some sort of
automation. I suppose I really should have a read of the jboss farm stuff
that has been done.... but wanted to share my situation for input/feedback.
----- Original Message -----
From: Greg Turner
Sent: Saturday, August 17, 2002 5:03 AM
Subject: Re: [JBoss-user] Launching Swing Applications from JBoss 3.0.0
 If you were in a large corp and given the task of writing a Swing app that
was to be deployed on some 200 PCs in the corp, and you had to support
configurations and updates to all those 200 PCs, JBoss would be the way to
go.  All 200 PCs could deploy the Swing app from a central server.  All PCs
could deploy updates from the central server.  And you could manage
configuration of all apps from your machine via the jmx-console.  All that
is doable by having JBoss be the basis for the Swing app.
Dave Smith wrote:
An intresting read but I fail to see how this is usefull in all but the
most trival example. When a JFrame starts it uses the DISPLAY enviroment
variable (UNIX systems) to determine where to display it. So if I am
running a local JBOSS container on my system then it would be good for
rapid protyping but for the field?
I have not had alot of sleep this week, please enlighten me on other
uses for this or if I am way off base.
On Wed, 2002-08-14 at 15:17, Dimitri Pissarenko wrote:
> Hello!
> I've coded a very simple example of how one can launch a Swing
> application with a Jboss Mbean.
> If someone is interested, look at
> http://www.geocities.com/dapissarenko/jboss_swing.html
> Regards
> Dimitri Pissarenko
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Greg Turner, JBoss Authorized Consultant
Tiburon Enterprise Systems
Box 1171
Tiburon, CA 94920

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