Title: Message
Hi Kamran, My reply was bumped off the server so I am resending it again 10 hours late.

Hi Kamran,
I would like to point out something regarding use of remove() method on EJBHome/EJBObject.
EJBObject : No need to use Handle here.  I think that you are not using this method. It seems that you are calling EJBHome.remove();
EJBHomeObject: There are 2 ways to remove.
    1) Use PK . home.remove(pk) - I generally use this or EJBObject.remove()
    2) home.remove(handle)
Observation: Mostly It looks fine to me except one small suggestion.
Suggestion: Instead of using this for EQUALS check , try the following :
    public boolean equals(Object obj) {
        if (this.getClass().equals(obj.getClass())) {
            ApplicationPK that = (ApplicationPK) obj;
            return this.appID.intValue() == that.appID.intValue();
        return false;
    public boolean equals(Object obj)
      boolean retVal = false;
      if ( obj instanceof ApplicationPK )
       ApplicationPK pk = (AddressPK) obj;
   retVal =
    this.appID.intValue() == pk.appID.intValue();
      return retVal;
    public ApplicationPK() {
        appID = new Integer(0);
    public ApplicationPK()
I think this should solve the problem.
PS. was out on the weekend. That caused the late reply.  And, I surely Love HOCKEY. Rarely Miss INDO-PAK matches. Love Shahbaz and of late, Sohail Abbas. 

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