Hello David,

Wednesday, August 21, 2002, 9:41:44 PM, you wrote:
DJ> Well, the persistent storage doesn't have to be a relational database: for
DJ> instance it could be an object database such as Versant.  It also might be
DJ> something like SAP, or an xml database.  So relationships can't really be
DJ> specified by the spec, and you can't rely on any particular representation
DJ> if you want your app to be completely portable.

  Yes, you are right about completly portable.
  I want this but I know it is difficult so I will be happy if I can
port it on JBoss and some popular AppServers (WebLogic and WS) and
some databases (Firebird and Oracle).

DJ> david jencks

DJ> On 2002.08.21 20:27:13 -0400 Danilo Luiz Rheinheimer wrote:
>> Hello,
>>   On another mail Dain Sundstrom says the spec does not say anything
>> about mapping of CMR to database tables.
>>   I need on my application the kind of feature of the JBoss DynamicQL.
>> But I will not want use it because I do not want use features
>> proprietary features, I want my application portable.
>>   But I need to be able to create sql querys at run time.
>>   My question is all applications server did the mapping of
>> relationships on the same way ? If I have a relationship Order to
>> OrderItens (1 - N) in all applications server this will be mapped as a
>> Integer field called Order in the table OrderItem ?
>>   If this happen I can do a "select * from Order, OrderItem where
>> Order.Id=OrderItem.Id" and this will work on all applications servers.
>>   I think the way JBoss maps the relationships is very logic and
>> clear. And Dain is not responsible by the implementations of other
>> application severs.
>>   But what you know about that ? Is a good idea make select this way ?
>> -- 
>> Best regards,
>>  Danilo                          mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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DJ> -------------------------------------------------------
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Best regards,
 Danilo                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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