Thanks for the hint.

Unfortunaly this is not a option for a standard software company like us.
With about 12 customer server installtions running throughout germany
on 5 different OS / Database combinations I estimate a JBoss 2.2.2 to
Jboss 3.0.x migration project would take about 20-30 developer days.

So the time for your suggestion would be 20-30 days + 5 min ;-)

Has anybody a solution to this problem for Jboss 2.2.2.

I can't imagine that nobody else has this problem:
Does nobody uses java application clients ?

IMHO that way gives you a much better usability than web frontend
(hotkeys, resizeing of table columns, sorting of table clients etc.),
especially if you have to work all the day with the application.


> FROM: boostcom.noDATE: 09/04/2002 07:00:07SUBJECT: RE:  [JBoss-user] JBoss
RMI and http tunneling You should instead download  > jboss 3.0.2, which has
it included. I tried
> it, and got it to work after about 5 minutes :-), it is very easy, just
> follow the instructions in changenotes.
>  On Wed, Sep 04, 2002 at 03:20:31PM +0200, Nicolai Bieber wrote:
> > Hi there !
> >
> > Has anybody worked out how to use SUN's rmivervlethandler servlet
> > to tunnel JBoss RMI invokations via http on port 80.
> >>
> > The servlet is designed to transform http calls into RMI calls and
> > the documentation says that the RMI mechanism provided by sun
> > uses
> > the http tunneling if a direct RMI connect is not posssible.
> > It tries to access the adress /cgi-bin/java-rmi.cgi on the server via
> > This adress has to be connected to the servlet or the slower cgi version
> > that servlet.
> >
> > I tried a lot,
> > but the Jboss Client classes didn't try the http access to the servlet
> > (to get the servlet itself up and running is not problem at all)
> >
> > There's a lot of stuff on the mailing list about the RMI ports JBoss
> > (1099, 4444 and a optional one) but we can't tell every
> > customerside-administrator
> > to open these ports. Exspecially if you don't know the people that use
> > software.
> >
> > Does anybody know about a solution ?
> >
> > Nicolai Bieber
> >
> >
> >
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> --
> Marius Kotsbak
> Boost communications AS
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