Title: Bug #582428
We are using Jboss 2.4.6 with SQL server 2000 and we are unable to do ejbRemove, calling from servlet or sessionbean it throws illegalArgumentexception in case of composite key. I have mailed this problem on this list before too. but found no solution. for reference u can view mails from provious archives.
but it does work if it is from simple java client.
so are u using  composite keys, or you are using other version of jboss. In any case let me know your findings.
Nayyer Kamran
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, September 18, 2002 11:19 AM
Subject: [JBoss-user] Bug #582428

  Is there any approximate estimation when will bug #582428 be fixed (ejb remove causes IllegalStateException "removing bean lock and it has tx set!")? With this bug jboss 3 is far from production state. It does not allow to use entity relationships. I am now deciding whether to continue with 3.0 or go back to stable 2.4 branch.

Best wishes,
  Alexei Yudichev   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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