
Jboss3.0 on Linux is behaving erratically. When I try to execute,
./run.sh from the bin folder,
server starts running but stops suddenly at no specific point.

1. Sometimes it hangs after displaying ---
Starting General Purpose Architecture

2. Sometimes it hangs after displaying --
Successfully completed deployement of the package : ...../bcel.jar

If I type in java -jar run.jar, there is no message output and the
server hangs right at the beginning.

On doing Ctrl+Z and the giving the ps command, I find that some 8 or 9
processes with name java exists and one of them also says <defunct>.

I have been successful to start the server completely and successfully
only once. I have not made any changes to any file.

The extent to which the server starts up seems random.

Can anyone please suggest something ?


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